How one of China’s defining periods inspired my latest book

“Forbidden City” by Vanessa Hua.Photo: Ballantine / Random House

Some people ask if my new novel, “Forbidden City,” is autobiographical. Well — no. I was never the teenage protegee of Mao Zedong!

The question reflects a common curiosity among literature fans about what, if anything, in a work of fiction is true, and in nonfiction, what is made up.

As I count downto the release of the book on Tuesday, May 10, I’ll share what inspired my protagonist, Mei — a strong-willed, quick-witted teenager who enters the Chairman’s inner circle and alters the course of the Cultural Revolution.

A decade and a half ago, I came across an intriguing black-and-white photo: Mao surrounded by giggling young women. It turned out he was a fan of ballroom dancing and had special troupes of dancers who partnered with him.

According to Mao’s doctor, the experience was “the most uplifting, exciting, exhilarating experience (these women) would know.”

Chairman Mao dancing with young women in 1950, the photo that inspired Vanessa Hua to write “Forbidden City.”Photo: PRC government., Public domain

I knew the relationshipshadto be more complicated, especially for those who stayed on as his confidential clerks, nurses and companions. And as the American-born daughter of Chinese immigrants, I’d always been curious about this tumultuous chapter of the country’s modern history.

The Cultural Revolution has also shaped the work of Guo Pei and Hung Liu, artists whose work is on view at theLegion of Honor(Guo Pei) and the de Young and the Oakland Museum of California (Liu).

At the sumptuous”郭体育i: Couture Fantasy”show, the designer sought to revive labor-intensive dressmaking techniques nearly lost in an era that attacked old ways and old thinking. The “Da Jin” (“Magnificent Gold”) gown, embroidered with silk thread and encrusted in sequins, took 50,000 hours to create — mind-boggling in the age of fast fashion and eternal athleisure.

At the museum, I overheard a mother jokingly tell her children, “Look at that raiment! Should I wear that to school pickup?” They gazed upon a dress covered in synthetic opals and Swarovski crystals, topped by a jeweled cross as a headpiece.

In the fascinating 2018 documentary“Yellow Is Forbidden,”郭贝聿铭股份她单调的大调的童年的故事ing the Cultural Revolution, when she craved color and asked her grandmother for a yellow dress. Her grandmother refused; commoners couldn’t wear such colors, she said. After that early deprivation, Guo Pei rebelled by creating a rainbow array of dresses.

Installation views from “Guo Pei: Couture Fantasy” at the Legion of Honor.Photo: Drew Altizer / Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

The designs, which incorporate traditional Chinese motifs, also reflect Guo Pei’s cultural and artistic influences, including European art, architecture and historical fashion.

The mix of themes rings familiar to me, too. I’ve likened my own inspirations to dust kicked up in the clouds, vapor condensing around each particle until it gets heavy enough for a raindrop to fall, seeding the cloud until it finally gets heavy enough to release the rain.

Across the bay in Oakland, in“Remembering Hung Liu,”the artist’s paintings reflect how she came of age under Mao. During the Cultural Revolution, she was sent to the countryside to labor in the fields for four years before she went on to study art in Beijing and later in San Diego. Liu, whodied on Aug. 7, was a professor emeritus at Mills College.

Artist Hung Liu poses with her work while at her studio in Oakland in 2019.Photo: Jessica Christian / The Chronicle 2019

“The Heroine of Gu Yanxiu,”inspired by a patriotic children’s books, depicts the women plowing the field as revolutionary labor. Hawks soar above them; Liu often added plants and animals as offerings to her otherwise anonymous 19th and 20th century subjects.

Likewise, my protagonist, Mei, also grew up galvanized by the stories of model revolutionaries. In my novel, I wanted the portray her truth — a truth that was emblematic of the millions of impoverished women who shaped China in their own ways yet remain absent from the official narrative.

Vanessa Hua at the Bay Area Book Festival:In person. 3:30 p.m. Saturday, May 7. Free. Chronicle Stage, Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park, 2151 Martin Luther King Jr. Way,

Vanessa Hua book launch:In person. 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 11. Free. Booksmith, off-site at Urban School, 1563 Page St., San

  • Vanessa Hua
    Vanessa HuaVanessa Hua is the author, most recently, of "Forbidden City." Her column appears Fridays in Datebook.