
“This Is a School” by John Schu, illustrated by Veronica Miller Jamison.照片:棉线

“This Is a School” by John Schu, illustrated by Veronica Miller Jamison.The school year is about to begin and little kids have lots of questions. Some are asked aloud. Some are deep inside. Who will be my teacher? Will I make a friend? Will I miss my parents? Can I do the work? What about teasing? Are there kids like me? Will I fit in?

前5个加利福尼亚, the state’s parenting website, offers tips for parents to help answer such questions and prepare their children for kindergarten and transitional kindergarten. Among the suggestions, “Read books about … going to school and talk about them together.” Great advice. Only one thing is missing: suggested books. But resources abound. Parents can search the internet, check out the library, go to a local bookstore or try some of the 2022 books discussed here.

前三个是一般的 - 期望和期望在课堂上。最后四个更适合来自移民家庭的孩子。注意:在湾区,将近三分之一的人口是外国出生的。因此,许多孩子可能会在学校的第一天出现,因为文化或语言或两者兼而有之。对于他们来说,了解他们受到重视和欢迎至少在书籍中非常重要!

This Is a School
Written by John Schu; illustrated by Veronica Miller Jamison
(烛台; 40页; $ 17.99; 4-8岁)

This upbeat, book-length definition of “school” emphasizes big ideas. The spare, syncopated text describes “school” as a place to grow, learn, create, celebrate, transform and work in community. It’s the cheery art that makes the abstract concrete. With different hairstyles and skin tones, diverse kids ask questions in class (learning), plant a school garden (transformation) and play instruments (working together). Enthusiasm is lightly tempered with honesty: Some days “we just feel stuck” and don’t do the right thing. One double-page spread refers to the shutdown time “when something happens and we can’t all be together. …We learn. We care. We hope. We heal.” The pandemic is not yet out of sight or mind, but the overall message is clear: School is cool.

Bettany V. Freitas撰写的“还没有,Yeti”;由Maddie Frost插图。照片:Clarion

由Bethany V. Freitas撰写;麦迪·弗罗斯特(Maddie Frost)插图
(Clarion; 40页; $ 17.99; 3-7岁)

雪人是一个想象中的类似猿的生物,据说居住在喜马拉雅山。在这里,Yeti居住在一个普通的教室中。他尚未遇到新的孩子,玩具或挑战。这是这本令人惊讶的亲爱的和漫游图片中关于学会第一天的起伏的图片的设置。卡通艺术对于这个古怪的故事非常完美,因为雪人试图写出他的名字。“我做不到。”他哭了。“也许还没有,雪人,”老师回答。当天晚些时候,另一个新的挑战更容易受到成功成功的成功 - 毅力回报时会发生什么。老师总结说:“记住:我们明天都要再试一次。”以幽默的方式交付是一种最重要的,终身的处方,用于增长思维定势。

安娜·杜德尼(Anna Dewdney)和里德·邓肯(Reed Duncan)的“拉玛骆驼,回到学校”;由JT Morrow插图。照片:维京人

由安娜·杜德尼(Anna Dewdney)和里德·邓肯(Reed Duncan)撰写;JT Morrow插图
(Viking; 40 pages; $18.99; ages 2-5)

一个最喜欢的角色回到这个快乐,温和的故事中,讲述了从夏天到秋季不受欢迎的过渡。年轻的骆驼喜欢夏天 - 钓鱼,远足,露营,新鲜水果,沙堡,野餐和懒惰的日子。落下?没那么多。一个海湾地区的插画家创建了阳光明媚的页面,里面充满了令人信服的拟人化动物,以纪事美洲驼的重置 - 新鞋子,水瓶,午餐盒,背包,背包,毛衣,衬衫和袜子。在开学的第一天,老师(斑马)井井有条。“蜡笔,纸/准时。/don不要推或推。站在一起,”她指挥着唱歌的诗歌。秩序能力允许艺术,音乐和善良。示例:骆驼介入以安慰流泪的小犀牛,也许会遭受分离的焦虑。 Thus, throughout, the emphasis is on making those necessary start-of-school adjustments that nurture resilience and independence.

Young Vo撰写和插图的“ Gibberish”。Photo: Levine Querido

由Young Vo撰写和插图
(Levine Querido; 40页; $ 17.99; 4-8岁)

Imagine being dropped into an American school knowing no English. A self-described “refugee kid” from war-torn Vietnam, Vo re-creates his own boyhood experience in an affecting memoir about immigration, isolation and inclusion. Dat is his stand-in, having traveled by boat, plane and bus to reach his first day of school. Mah offers motherly advice: “When people speak, it will sound like gibberish. … Just listen and do the best you can.” She’s right. Dat can’t understand the bus driver, teacher or other kids, a fact underscored by the purposely off-putting, comic-like art and the indecipherable words expressed with indecipherable emoji-like characters. Only Mah, Dat and a new friend appear realistic and in warm color. Here then, readers feel the painful loneliness and confusion of non-English-speaking newcomers. And here, readers enjoy the pleasure of growing friendship and widening comprehension. Gibberish is a masterpiece of meaning.

安德里亚·王(Andrea Wang)撰写的“ luli and the语言”;由Hyewon Yum插图。照片:尼尔搬运工 /度假屋

由安德里亚·王(Andrea Wang)撰写;由Hyewon Yum插图
(Neal Porter Books/Holiday House; 40页; $ 18.99; 3-7岁)

See a problem? Devise a solution. That’s what one girl does in this amiable picture book about bridging differences. While parents attend an English-as-second-language class, their non-English-speaking kids get free child care next door. From many countries, they have no common language. Each plays alone, that is until Luli brings all the fixings for tea. “Chá,” she calls out in Chinese, inviting everyone to share. In eight other languages from every continent, the kids call back the word for tea and then gather around a table to share a universal drink that, according to the fascinating author’s note, got its start in China almost 5,000 years ago. Gentle, child-like art is as inviting as a cup of warm tea. With utter simplicity, this book connects disparate cultures to build natural community.

约书亚·戴维·斯坦(Joshua David Stein)撰写的“午餐”;Jing Li的艺术。照片:Rise X Penguin车间

Lunch from Home
Written by Joshua David Stein; art by Jing Li
(Rise X Penguin Workshop; 40 pages; $17.99; ages 3-6)

当食物你觉得很好吃,comforting is strange to your classmates? That’s the dilemma in this layered tale about peer pressure and cultural pride around the lunch table. Over four days, four kids bring traditional family specialties — dhokla (from India), gimbap (from Korea), lox and bagel (from Eastern Europe) and a burrito (from Mexico). Each elicits a sneer or snide remark. By Friday, it’s boring sandwiches for all until the more interesting cuisines begin to re-emerge. The book is based on the experiences of four kids who grew up to become professional chefs, including Preeti Mistry of Sonoma County. Their memories and menus contribute to the authenticity of the feelings and fare. Bright digital art is full of lively illustrations of the classroom, deli counter and kitchen detail that leads to cultural pride and acceptance for all.

Anoosha Syed撰写和说明了“那不是我的名字”。照片:维京人

由Anoosha Syed编写和插图
(Viking; 40 pages; $17.99; ages 3-5)

在开学的第一天,没有人能正确宣布Mirha的名字。这种失望推动了一本关于身份,尊重他人和自我倡导的解除武装书。轻松的艺术展示了现代的美国家庭和学校。祖母的Shalwar Kameez对家庭的南亚遗产提出了线索。Mirha认为将自己的名字更改为简单的东西,但妈妈不赞成。她解释说:“米哈在阿拉伯语中的意思是'幸福'。”“您的名字与同学不同。…这只是意味着您是独特而特殊的。…如果人们能记得贝多芬和柴可夫斯基和米开朗基罗这样的名字,他们会记得米哈。”这种强烈的论点有助于Mirha鼓起勇气为自己大声疾呼并结交很多朋友。 She promises to say their equally beautiful names right!

  • 苏珊·浮士德(Susan Faust)
    苏珊·浮士德(Susan Faust)苏珊·浮士德(Susan Faust)is a member of the Association for Library Service to Children, most recently serving on the 2018 Children’s Literature Legacy Award selection committee. She was a librarian at Katherine Delmar Burke School in San Francisco for 33 years.