CNN’s Laurie Segall recalls her ‘Adventures With Tech’s Titans and Misfits’ in new memoir

Laurie Segall of CNN during the Sime Awards at Epicenter in 2017 in Stockholm, Sweden.Photo: Nils Petter Nilsson / Getty Images for The Sime Awards

借助CNN的技术节拍,Laurie Segall做了很多高调,偶尔争议与硅谷莫吉尔的争议面试。她粗暴的问题得到了Facebook的Mark Zuckerberg来承认他的陷入困境的公司可能需要政府监管,并留下优步的Travis Kalanick抱怨他所谓的“Gotcha”策略。

这些会面,详细•西格尔画的新回忆录,“Special Characters: My Adventures With Tech’s Titans and Misfits,” out Tuesday, March 8, generated a fair amount of buzz. But her most consequential work explored the plight of people who have been victimized on Silicon Valley’s biggest platforms. Her reporting on so-called revenge porn — the nonconsensual sharing of sexual images — helped to send one man to prison.

“I love fighting for people,” Segall said in a recent video interview with The Chronicle from her office in New York. “I really like going into the corner where people aren’t paying attention and forcing people to pay attention.”

Commercial exigencies demand that Segall’s book have an attention-grabbing subtitle, but her interviews with c-suite “titans” are a relatively small part of her book. A candid account of tech’s evolution in the 2010s, a period of absurd revenue streams, noteworthy innovation and alarming scandals, “Special Characters” is also a relatable self-portrait of an ambitious, introspective person’s arrival at a professional crossroads.


When Segall asked panelists how they were feeling about the election, she writes, Dave McClure, a San Francisco venture capitalist, began “shrieking” about his outrage at Trump’s victory. He then offered an unusual endorsement for globalization. “If you meet someone from another country, another color, another gender,” McClure said, “you’re probably gonna be a lot more interesting to them. And therefore you might be a lot hotter.”

McClure’s performative anger and incivility — he interrupted Segall several times — bolstered the view that arrogance and sexism are perennial tech-industry problems. His outburst, Segall notes, took place during a panel titled “Is Ego the Biggest Reason for Failure?”

Though events like this raised her profile, Segall appears to be one of those extremely hard workers who make their own breaks. She turned an internship at the network into a job as a production assistant, and she was still quite green when she persuaded CNN to let her cover South by Southwest; she told a network higher-up that she was planning to attend the Austin, Texas, event on her own time (this wasn’t entirely true), so why not have her do some interviews?

Over time, Segall created something that hadn’t previously existed at CNN: a tech beat focused in part on Silicon Valley’s growing role in virtually every corner of our lives. Some of her labor-intensive reports spotlighted social media’s least admirable devotees, among them terrorist-organization recruiters, sex traffickers and revenge-porn perps.

“Special Characters: My Adventures With Tech’s Titans and Misfits,” by Laurie SegallPhoto: Courtesy Dey Street Books



Asked if Silicon Valley’s anti-sexism initiatives have improved the climate for women, Segall thought for a moment. “Hmm,” she said. “Well, I think they have the company line, which is good, but I think these issues are very much still there.”

Segall has demonstrated a knack for landing interviews with CEOs at key moments. The latter pages of her book read like a thriller, as she hustles to interview Zuckerberg after a whistle-blower revealed that Cambridge Analytica, a firm hired by the Trump campaign, used Facebook to extract untold amounts of data from unsuspecting social media users. Though the 2018 interview was a coup — never before had Zuckerberg conceded that his company might merit government regulation — Segall was having mixed feelings about her role at CNN.

“随着我的曝光增加,头发变得更大,化妆更重,”她写道。与此同时,在相对便宜的政治谈话表演中,随着CNN AWASH,她所涵盖的科技领袖正在越来越擅长在陈词滥调中发言。她写道,她不想成为“大型技术的喉舌”。因此,在2019年,尽管网络努力留住她,但她留下了CNN并开始了DOT DOT DOT,这是一家纽约公司所设计的,SEGALL表示,将“人类”带来“技术”。该公司尚未造成的涟漪,但Segall的赛道记录表明它是一个观看的历史记录。


By Laurie Segall
(Dey Street Books; 368页; $ 27.99)

  • Kevin Canfield
    Kevin CanfieldKevin Canfield is a regular contributor to The Chronicle’s books coverage.