SF’s ’70s punk rock scene through the eyes of James Oseland

作者詹姆斯·奥斯兰(James Oseland)在他的新回忆录中重新审视了三年的三年。Photo: Lea Suzuki / The Chronicle

There’s a scene, about midway through food writer詹姆斯·奥斯兰(James Oseland)的新回忆录,其中书名背后的含义是“Jimmy Neurosis,” comes clear.

Jim is 15 years old at the time — it’s the late ’70s — and he’s furious. His favorite teacher, the one bright spot in his stifling San Carlos existence, had invited him and his mother over for dinner and used the occasion to call him out for what he is: a smart kid who mistakes his “solipsism for reality.”

“I find that bright young people often believe that they know how the world works,” she’d told him. “When in事实……他们完全无知。”


那时他也决定更改他的名字。“詹姆斯·奥斯兰(James Oseland)” isn’t gonna be anybody great. No. He’ll be Jimmy Neurosis — Jimmy Neurosis could be “witty and urbane,” he could move to New York City and live in a loft with an “artist boyfriend.”

Forty years later, Jim goes by James and his eyebrows have grown back. On a recent trip to San Francisco — he lives in Mexico City now — Oseland sipped on a Corona in the loft of the Twin Peaks bar in the Castro neighborhood. Talking about “Jimmy Neurosis” (Ecco; $27.99)had him both nervous and excited.The memoir, out Tuesday, Feb. 5, is a departure for Oseland.

“Jimmy Neurosis” (Ecco; $27.99)Photo: Ecco

Though he’s an accomplished writer (National Magazine and James Beard awards) who has worked as the editor in chief ofSaveur杂志,并担任Bravo的法官“顶级厨师大师”奥斯兰(Oseland)说,写这本书是不同的,称其为“我有史以来最艰难,最长的创意努力。”

And it’s easy to see why. “Jimmy Neurosis” is about growing up gay during the ’70s punk revolution. But it’s a much more vulnerable and honest exploration of self. It’s a book about a kid who grinds his teeth when he’s nervous, a kid who, in the process of coming out, is trying on personas like clothes in a department store dressing room, a kid who is starting to realize that the people who he thinks know everything don’t really know much at all — not even, he learns eventually, himself.


Writing about that period, Oseland says, “helped me sort through the time and make better sense of it.” He’d walk the streets of San Francisco and San Carlos, summoning memories and trying to draw from them the lessons and narratives that maybe he’d only understand in retrospect.

詹姆斯·奥斯兰(James Oseland)的回忆录大约是他生命中的三年。大部分时间都花在旧金山朋克摇滚乐现场。照片:礼貌詹姆斯·奥斯兰(James Oseland)

回忆录始于吉姆和他的母亲父亲走出去后搬到圣卡洛斯,这是他只有现在就达成协议的“巨大的财务脆弱性”时代。吉姆(Jim)晚上开始乘火车去旧金山,看前卫电影,例如“ Fellini Satyricon”。当他发现朋克摇滚现场,辞职并探索他的性行为时,旅行频率很高。

他遇到了像Blackie O,Annie A Go,Lawless和Reggie Veggie这样的名字的人。当他们乘坐公共汽车时,一个朋友第一次将深色化妆涂在他的眼睛上。他染了头发鲜橙色。他开始拍照并写诗歌。他爱上了这座城市。“旧金山是世界上唯一一个可以做到这一点的城市,没关系,”一个男人在他们在金门公园(Golden Gate Park)迷上后告诉他。

奥斯兰仍然在旧金山惊叹不已。他很高兴指出他在这里度过的几年中记得的城市中的地方 -咖啡厅, Orphan Andy’s,双峰,硬件商店。“直到我呼吸北加州空气,我才感到完全。”


The reader won’t always like Jim. At times, he can be selfish and cruel (especially to his mother). This is by design. Oseland doesn’t tell the story as a “56-year-old looking back, which would have been a very different kind of book.” But he also helps you see that the stories spring from deeply felt unease.

詹姆斯·奥斯兰(James Oseland)writes a deeply personal memoir about three tumultuous and formative years.照片:礼貌詹姆斯·奥斯兰(James Oseland)

And the book is very muchJim’s故事。尽管有提到哈维·米尔(Harvey Milk)和乔治·莫斯汀(George Moscone)的暗杀白夜暴动that broke out in response to the verdict in Dan White’s trial, they’re relegated to the periphery. Mostly, these events enter the story because they shape Jim in some meaningful way.



还有26页,但是如果这本书在那里结束,那么奥斯兰仍然会说他希望在这本回忆录中说的话 - 他描述的回忆录并不那么悲伤,但是像充满希望的那样,描述了“陷入困境的时期,最终被证明是一个突破,一个启示性和非常积极的时刻。”


Jim came to realize his anger was useful. Oseland came to see three haunting years as essential to the writer he’s become.

Jimmy Neurosis
A Memoir
By James Oseland
(Ecco; 320 pages; $27.99)

  • 瑞安·科斯特(Ryan Kost)
    瑞安·科斯特(Ryan Kost)瑞安·科斯特(Ryan Kost)是旧金山编年史作家的作家。电子邮件:rkost@sfchronicle.com。Twitter:@ryankost