
Lidia Yuknawitch的“regerge”。照片:河边书籍

Lidia Yuknavitch has been pushing personal boundaries ever since her gut-punching memoir “The Chronology of Water” — which, in unsparing detail, described the author’s abusive childhood, drug-fueled college days, an ill-fated marriage and stillbirth, and myriad sexual escapades. Subsequent novels such as “The Book of Joan” tackle masturbation, self-mutilation and sadomasochistic sex.


在整个20篇故事中,我们遇到了生活在边缘和流浪汉,瘾君子和药物骡子的人 - 每个都是由贪得无厌的欲望和需求所驱动的。还有更普通的排序:妻子感觉被他们的丈夫忽视,孤独的狂热渴望人类联系,追求更合适的身份和儿子试图逃离他们的酗酒母亲(特别是乳房等乳房“)。



Lidia YuknaWitch,“边缘”的作者照片:Andrew Kovalev

YuknaWitch的写作在欲望,力量和愤怒的推动时最有效 - 或者,当她试图驾驶一个点回家时。一些最好的故事是洒在整本书中的系列的一部分,标题为“女人......”。

“A Woman Signifying” shows the main character purposely scalding her face on an old-fashioned radiator in response to her husband’s perpetual indifference, then making herself up and heading to a bar to show off her “well-thought-out, carefully executed wound.”

在“一个女性道歉”中,一个女人手铐自己到床上,并在战斗后请她伴侣。(“An act of total submission. What sweeter gift could a controlling woman give a wounded man?”) But when he doesn’t come home that night and the key is unreachable between her legs, she’s left wondering: “If he didn’t, then what?”



它还迫使我们承认 - 甚至拥抱 - 令人不安的答案。

由Lidia Yuknavitch.
(208页; 26美元)

  • Alexis Burling.
    Alexis Burling.Alexis Burling的评论已经出现在纽约时报,华盛顿邮政和俄勒冈州。电子邮件:books@sfhonelice.com