
C PAM Zhang的首次亮相小说揭开了美国的起源故事,留下了一个艰苦的,坚硬的戏剧充满了丰富的富裕人士

C PAM Zhang,“这些丘陵是多少钱”照片:河头


但是,如果有一段时间让自己进入彻底的引人入胜的传奇,这是C PAM张的首次亮相小说,这就是它。


如果没有家庭的背骨依靠,兄弟姐妹们从崎岖的露营地徘徊在三个月的夜间肿胀的河边被读到大胆,但鉴于萨姆和露西的年龄有些令人难以置信。Even Sam’s description as a person with “a child’s body, androgynous still, prized by a father who wanted a son” — the disclosure that Sam is a girl — fails to make the impact it should amid myriad accounts of squirrel scavenging and the mishaps of scrappy sisters masquerading as outlaws.

但是关于本书承诺的任何疑虑都立即在第二节中蒸发。Here and continuing on throughout the rest of the book, the transformation from run-of-the-mill Great American West adventure tale into a fully immersive epic drama packed with narrative riches and exquisitely crafted prose is so complete that it’s easy to chalk up the first few chapters to protracted scene-setting.


What’s more, in Ba’s secret late-night missions to scavenge for gold to combat docked wages and abusive potbellied foremen who repeatedly call him “chink,” we see not a selfish person, but a man worn ragged by naked need and shattered dreams who swallows his pride to put his family first.


C Pam Zhang,作者“这些山丘是多少”照片:Gioia Zloczower

As Zhang reveals more of her background and we watch her progression from indentured Chinese immigrant to Ba’s strong-minded girlfriend willing to do anything to achieve freedom to a strong pregnant mother determined to create a stable home for her family, we see a woman not bound by duty like so many pioneering women, but one buoyed by courage, will and strength.

On a basic level, “How Much of These Hills Is Gold” succeeds as a riveting account of one family’s struggle to make ends meet in the American West, stretching from Ba and Ma’s impoverished beginnings to Lucy and Sam’s late teenage years trying to make it on their own. (Section four, which describes Lucy’s five-year stint in frontier town Sweetwater and unexpected reunion with feisty Sam, is a stunner and full of clearly well-researched details from the time period.)

But the novel is also a much-needed homage to the untold history of American immigrants, one in which Zhang discards the tired retelling of our white forefathers’ journey to discover and conquer great new lands, in favor of giving a voice to the “honest folks” of color who were enslaved, robbed, raped or murdered in the process.





由c pam zhang

  • Alexis Burling.
    Alexis Burling.Alexis Burling的评论已经出现在纽约时报,华盛顿邮政和俄勒冈州。电子邮件:books@sfhonelice.com