
“逃跑和隐藏”由Pankaj Mishra。照片:Farrar,Straus和Giroux

庆祝的印度散文师和小说家Pankaj Mishra Frams反对现代世界。不像一些旧的旧蜥蜴或嗜嘴留下。他对现代主义的看法及其对全球财富的承诺,成长和履行是持怀疑令人疑问的,好奇的,几乎不舒服的刺穿。在他的新小说中,“奔波和隐藏”,他扫描全球化,民粹主义,文化动荡和现代阳刚地的危机进入了现代化的印度故事。

在他之前的书中,“愤怒的年龄:当前的历史”,“米什拉写道,”后殖民国民建设是一个非凡的项目:数亿人说服放弃 - 并且经常被嘲笑 - 过去的世界的世界持续了数千年,并承担创造现代公民的赌博,他们将是世俗的,开明,培养和英雄。“


The story is narrated by Arun Dwivedy, once a village boy joylessly trying to fulfill his parents’ wish for financial advancement, who, as an adult, finds himself eschewing the public success of his university friends and moving to a small Himalayan village to pursue the thankless work of translating Hindi literature. Meanwhile, his former classmates grow up to become giants of American banking and Indian publishing — the movers and shakers and “idea makers” of a global intellectual elite.

Pankaj Mishra是“奔跑和隐藏”的作者。照片:Farrar,Straus和Giroux



Mishra’s scenes of life among the modern elites of Delhi, London and New York, what Arun describes as the “true exotics: members of the racially and ethnically diverse but otherwise acutely homogeneous group I found myself in,” are so precise and well-observed they are almost embarrassing. Certainly, if you happen to be the type of lucky liberal who has found him or herself bemoaning the collapse of democracy “over Ottolenghi salads sprinkled with pomegranate, chai and pumpkin seeds,” you might feel, oh, a bit exposed. Mishra is a masterful eyewitness to the modern world, equally unafraid of nuance, earnestness and absurdity.

“奔跑和隐藏” - 在文学参考中,关于Modi政府弊病的意见和阶级,种姓和性别角色的冥想 - 不是情节驱动的。这是一个关于一个快速和鲁莽的世界的慢,仔细的书。这不是目的地小说;这是一部小说。一个非常值得拍照。

由Pankaj Mishra.
(Farrar,Straus和Giroux; 336页; 27美元)

  • Samantha Schoech.
    Samantha Schoech.Samantha Schoech是Chronicle的书籍顾问。