Review: Stories from Afghan American author illuminate lives defined by war

“The Haunting of Hajji Hotak and Other Stories” by Jamil Jan Kochai.Photo: Viking

The 12 stories in “The Haunting of Hajji Hotak and Other Stories” by Sacramento writer and Stegnerfellow Jamil Jan Kochai are linked the way suspects on an FBI agent’s bulletin board might be, via places, stories, rumors, history and family — a thin red string tying them all together. They are all stories of Afghanistan and the Afghan diaspora in Northern California, and they travel back and forth from Davis, Sacramento and Fremont to Kabul and the Afghan province of Logar in the Black Mountains.

许多这些相互关联的故事matter-of-fact surrealism — a young man rescues his long-dead uncle in a video game, a man turns into a monkey and leads a simian army hoping to defeat the Americans in Afghanistan, a captured American soldier is transformed into a goat — that seems to reflect the sheer unreality of being intimately linked to both Afghanistan and contemporary America. Kochai’s characters work at Taco Bell while living with a former mujahidfather whose legacy of loss goes back generations. Afghan Americans in this book don’t have the luxury of living in the present moment. There are far too many ghosts.

Jamil Jan Kochai is the author of “The Haunting of Hajji Hotak and Other Stories.”Photo: Jalil Kochi

Reappearing characters in the book go by different names in different stories but share the same details. The former mujahid raising his family in West Sacramento and suffering terrible nerve damage from a truck crash in the superb story “Occupational Hazards,” written in the form of a work history, is also the man in “Saba’s Story” who returns to Logar to hunt for a piece of gold buried by his father decades before. His three American-born sons are sometimes California college students, sometimes children playing in the family village in Logar, and sometimes grown and married men trying to right the historic wrongs done to their country and family. Watak, the long-dead brother of the former mujahid, murdered by the Soviets at 16, is universally mourned by family members past and present in nearly every story.

It doesn’t pay to try to connect the characters and stories too literally. “The Haunting of Hajji Hotak” is better taken as a whole, a brilliant, crazy quilt exploring filial devotion, religious beliefs, family, history and the effects of endless war. It’s also an education of sorts on the history of Afghanistan and the culture of Afghan Americans, although this is no primer for the non-Afghan reader. Kochai peppers his writing liberally with language and references that are up to you to look up if you don’t understand.

In the title story, the book’s final, we see the family members in their California home through the eyes of an unnamed security agent who spies on them to make sure their connections to Afghanistan and Islam pose no threat. The deep understanding and affection the agent feels after months of monitoring them lead him to conclude that while they are not dangerous, he is also not ready to let them go. Like the reader, the agent has been given an intimate view into their lives, and he finds them fascinating.

The Haunting of Hajji Hotak and Other Stories
By Jamil Jan Kochai
(Viking; 288 pages; $26)

City Lights Bookstore presents Jamil Jan Kochai in conversation with Brandon Taylor:Virtual event. 6 p.m. July 27. Free. Registration

  • Samantha Schoech
    Samantha SchoechSamantha Schoech is The Chronicle's books consultant.