The long road to publishing a novel brings relief, life lessons

Vanessa Hua in 2007, the year she started writing “Forbidden City.”Photo: Vanessa Hua

In the fall of 2009, I never knew when hives would descend upon me.

At dinner with friends, my lips would numb and swell, as if I’d been stung by wasps. I sipped ice water, trying to make the puffiness go away and hoping my friends wouldn’t notice.

Or, as I drifted off to sleep, the skin on my arms and back would begin to itch. My scratching raised angry red welts. I bought unscented laundry detergent and tubs of moisturizing cream, but nothing eased the stress after the rejection of my first novel.

The flare-ups would go on for years.

For this column and the next, I’m pulling back the curtain on my writing life. Though devastated that my novel couldn’t find a home, I started other writing projects. But I always returned to my first attempt, unable to quit, driven by the same determination I had when I began to write fiction as a child.

Still, a part of me wondered if I’d made a huge mistake quitting my job in daily journalism. Some days, I wanted to chuck all my scrawled-over printouts into the recycling bin.

My immigrant Chinese parents were puzzled and worried about my attempt at a career change. They’d sacrificed so much to give me and my siblings stability. But I couldn’t promise them that anything I tried would work out.

Columnist Vanessa Hua during a trip to China in 2008.Photo: Vanessa Hua

After the San Francisco literary magazine Zyzzyva published the first chapter of my novel in 2011, my father was so pleased that he bought a two-year subscription; he hoped the editors would publish the rest of it serially.

He was ailing, and every day my novel went unsold was another day I feared he might never see it. He never did, in what remains one of my deepest regrets.

After he passed away, my husband, toddler twins and I left Southern California and moved in with my mother, returning to my childhood home in the East Bay. I was back in the very bedroom where I’d first dreamed of becoming an author.

I kept trying. I joined the Writers Grotto on a fellowship for emerging writers. In the lobby of this storied community workspace — in SoMa then, now in the Mission District — framed book covers hung on the wall.

At one of my first lunches, I felt like an impostor. Then a woman sitting next to me mentioned that she’d also written a book that hadn’t sold. Casual small talk, but a revelation for me: Every writer’s life had its ups and down.

Within three years, the year I turned 41, my short-story collection, “Deceit and Other Possibilities,” would get published. That same year, my new agents strategized about getting me a two-book deal for “A River of Stars” and “Forbidden City” — the latter the one I’d written first, rejected but now resurrected.

Xandra Castleton (left) and Vanessa Hua (second from right) celebrate while talking with Yalitza Ferreras (second from left) and Zahara Noorbakhsh over lunch in a conference room at the Grotto in 2014 in San Francisco.Photo: Lea Suzuki / The Chronicle

While my novels were out on submission, I met up with a friend. Multiple editors were interested, and I was hopeful the stars would align, but my body remembered its past stress. As I recounted my previous publishing woes, my lips puffed up into Donald Duck proportions.

But the swelling faded as fast as it had come on — just in time for the huge grin I’d break into upon hearing my novels had sold.

Now, nearly a decade and a half after I began writing “Forbidden City,” it will be published on May 10.

I once joked with another aspiring writer that we didn’t need a life coach: We needed a psychic, someone who could tell us that every wrong turn would ultimately lead to book publication.

Of course, no one could promise us that. To take a leap, you have to accept that uncertainty, and try not to stew in self-doubt and envy.

I’ve also realized that even if that first novel had ended up shoved into a drawer, its scrapped pages would have helped me become the writer I am now.

  • Vanessa Hua
    Vanessa Hua凡妮莎华是作者最近的“Forbidden City." Her column appears Fridays in Datebook.