
Sfdanceworks的Babatunji Johnson。照片:奎因·沃顿(Quinn Wharton)

From the most experimental choreography to classical ballet, Bay Area dance is moving outdoors for the summer in a spectacular way. The indoor experiences promise to expand your horizons too, ranging from aerial dance to a romp inside the historic home of the late sculptor David Ireland.

Here are a few performances worth catching this summer.

Sara Shelton MannPhoto: Sara Shelton Mann

Sara Shelton Mann

萨拉·谢尔顿·曼(Sara Shelton Mann)是1990年代有影响力的艺术集体违禁品的领导者,是一名舞者,诗人,治疗师和强烈的萨满演员。她曾在六月的梅森堡艺术与文化中心居住,并为海滨校园充满了舞蹈,声音和仪式。居住在夏至上以“ 7次发掘 /在岸边和世界边缘的边缘”达到顶峰,这是一晚性能,涉及一些海湾地区最引人注目的实验性表演者。

晚上8点6月21日,星期二。梅森堡艺术与文化中心,2 Marina Blvd.,S.F。www.fortmason.org

约翰尼·惠(Johnny Huy Nguyen)和梅根·洛(Megan Lowe)在旧金山的大卫爱尔兰大厦(David Ireland House)出席了“家园”。照片:henrik kam的照片


当旧金山艺术家戴维·爱尔兰(David Ireland)于2009年去世时,他离开了500 Capp St.(也许是他最著名的艺术品)的房子,里面充满了异想天开的雕塑,例如两个由剥离的墙纸制成的牛馅饼和一个由吹风机制成的吊灯。

The home has welcomed artists in residence since 2021, but Megan Lowe and Johnny Huy Nguyen are taking things to new dimensions as the first dance artists in residence. In an hour-long tour open to just 10 audience members at a time, they’ll dance to live music by San Francisco-based musician Peekaboo.

下午5点和8点6月24日至25日和7月1日至25日星期五至周六;下午4点和7点6月26日星期日和7月3日。$ 20- $ 150,没有人因缺乏资金而转身。观众限制每场表演10。S.F. Capp St. 500的David Ireland House415-872-9240。www.500cappstreet.org


Chanel “Byb” Bibene, director of Oakland’s Kiandanda Dance Theater, hails from the Republic of Congo, where a curious variety of resistance to poverty and oppression has arisen in the form of dandily dressed men who call themselves Sapeurs, part of the Society of Tastemakers of Elegant People.


晚上8点7月1日星期五至周五。$ 16- $ 20。ODC剧院,S.F。3153 17th St.415-399-9554。www.sfiaf.org

KD >>在“网络项目”中移动地面。照片:希拉里·戈德尔(Hillary Goidell)

KD >>移动地面

In 2020, the Djerassi Resident Artists Program, which offers artists extended time creating on 583 beautiful acres of redwood forests and grasslands east of Palo Alto, awarded a special residency combining art and science to Bay Area choreographer Krista DeNio and biologist Chloe Crotzer. Disrupted from their original timetable by COVID, the two used the delays to go deep, consulting with the land’s native Ramaytush Ohlone to gain an Indigenous perspective and giving work-in-progress showings drawing people into the environment.


Saturday-Sunday, July 2-3. $20-$100. Djerassi Resident Artists Program, 2325 Bear Gulch Road, Woodside.www.movi​​ngground.org

Sfdanceworks的卡特里娜·贝克曼(Katrina Beckman)。照片:奎因·沃顿(Quinn Wharton)


成立于2014年由前旧金山落下帷幕let dancer James Sofranko, who departed to direct Michigan’s Grand Rapids Ballet, SFDanceworks features many of the city’s best dancers — including, this season, San Francisco Ballet principal Dores André — in adventurous, European-tinged choreography. This year the company resumes under yet another former San Francisco Ballet dancer, Dana Genshaft, with an incredibly varied and promising program.

罗马尼亚编舞家爱德华·克鲁格(Edward Clug)的四重奏首映,他的作品在vaunted the vaunted Nederlands dan剧院的曲目中,加入了Babatunji Johnson和Laura O’Malley的世界首映。该计划的结束是来自芭蕾舞团令人着迷的舞者和编舞丹妮·罗(Dani Rowe)的新作品,后者是旧金山芭蕾舞团最近的委员会后的崛起。

纽约YY舞蹈公司总监Yin Yue的西海岸首映,以及罕见的Martha Graham作品“ Deep Song”的复活,充满了雄心勃勃的板岩。

下午7点Friday, July 8; 2 and 7 p.m. Saturday, July 9; 2 p.m. Sunday July 10. ODC Theater, 3153 17th St., S.F. $28-$42. 415-863-9834.www.odcdance.org

艾米·塞韦特(Amy Seiwert)的图像

艾米·塞韦特(Amy Seiwert)的舞蹈职业生涯最近似乎是喷气式飞机。(您是否看到了她为伦纳德·科恩(Leonard Cohen)创作的令人惊叹的首映式ODC/四月的舞蹈?)

One secret to her success: constant experimentation. She continues this with the 12th year of her Sketch series, in which she and guest choreographers stretch themselves in new works on her excellent pickup troupe, Imagery.

今年的主题是“亲爱的日记”,嘉宾编舞是前ODC和罗伯特·摩西的亲戚娜塔莎·阿多利(Natasha Adorlee),以及新墨西哥州的编舞者约书亚·佩格(Joshua L. Peugh),他是一名崛起的明星,他曾被像芭蕾舞团这样的全国性上升公司委托。

晚上7:307月15日至16日,星期五至周六。$ 22- $ 45。Cowell剧院,梅森堡艺术与文化中心,2 Marina Blvd.,S.F。415-345-7575。www.asimagery.org

舞者萨米(Sammay)正在为Yerba Buena Gardens唱片的账单。Photo: Jim Watkins Photography

Yerba Buena Gardens ChoreoFest

RAWdance curates this free two-weekend offering of site-specific dance by local companies, performed among the waterfalls and rolling green lawns of Yerba Buena Gardens.

7月23日,星期六,与Nava Dance Theatre的实验性事实/SF为特色,这是一家舞蹈公司Bharata Natya的公司;充满活力的全势舞;以及Rawdance联合导演Katerina Wong的新作品。

7月30日,星期六,带来了萨米(Sammay),他形容自己是“一个毫无歉意的棕色女性,在非殖民化和灵性之间导致话语”,以及Push Dance Company,Rawdance联合导演Ryan T. Smith和Wendy Rein的新作品,以及雄辩的表演者Hien Huynh。舞蹈中的户外徒步旅行是可以访问的。

1 p.m. Saturday, July 23, and Saturday, July 30. Free. Yerba Buena Gardens, Mission Street between Third and Fourth streets, S.F. 415-729-3959.www.ybgfestival.org



今年夏季,娜塔莎·阿多利(Natasha Adorlee)和费尔南多·拉莫斯(Fernando Ramos)以及来自“唐·吉x德”(Don Quixote)和“ la sylphide”的壮观的Pas de deux首映。

下午7点7月29日至30日,星期五至周六。$ 20- $ 100。梅森堡艺术与文化中心,科威尔剧院,玛丽娜大道2号,S.F。510-588-6075。www.ballet22.com


Charles Slender-White领导的事实/SF的夏季舞蹈节将当地舞蹈艺术家与湾区外部的影响相结合,目的是由多元化的编舞家策划。

Opening weekend features Bay Area’s FACT/SF, Sharp & Fine, Amit Patel & Ishika Seth, and Chinchin Hsu alongside Pittsburgh’s Slowdanger and Seattle’s Drama Tops.

第二周计划将Slender-White的实验公司与总部位于圣地亚哥的Disco Riot并列。

晚上8点7月29日至30日,星期五至周六。Joe Goode Annex, 401 Alabama St., S.F.; 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, Aug. 5-6; 7 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 7. ODC Theater, 3153 17th St., S.F. Tickets and prices available soon atwww.factsf.org.

Complexions Contemporary Ballet

Ballet and David Bowie: It’s a glam combination in “Star Dust: From Bach to Bowie.”

Choreographer Dwight Rhoden is known locally for his two hit commissions for San Francisco Ballet, especially last year’s “The Promised Land.” Now the 15-dancer company he co-directs with former ballet superstar Desmond Richardson plans to bring his sparkling, no-holds-barred extravaganza set to hits like “Heroes,” “Space Oddity” and, of course, “Let’s Dance” to Stanford’s wooded Frost Amphitheater.

晚上8点8月3日,星期三。$ 15- $ 140。斯坦福大学Lasuen St. 351号的Frost露天剧场。650-724-2464。live.stanford.edu

San Francisco Ballet

芭蕾舞团正在与斯坦福大学Live合作,在去年之后返回华丽的户外霜冻露天剧场“Starry Nights”for its first performance under new Artistic Director Tamara Rojo.

为此选择的芭蕾舞非常适合宜人的夜晚:杰罗姆·罗宾斯(Jerome Robbins)的苦乐参半的“夜晚”,肖邦;现在退休的Helgi Tomasson优雅的“ 7 for 8”,到巴赫;威廉·福赛斯(William Forsythe)的“布雷克作品I”(Blake Works I)是英国音乐家詹姆斯·布雷克(James Blake)精致的流行音乐。Forsythe的芭蕾舞尤其是释放了舞者最好的舞者。

晚上8点Aug. 5-6. $15-$250. Frost Amphitheater, 351 Lasuen St., Stanford. 650-724-2464.live.stanford.edu


预计这个双年展的舞蹈节将与旧金山,西雅图及其他地区的团体一起以蒙特利尔飞人的艺术家香农·格雷(Shannon Gray)为特色。

Among the works featured are Veronica Blair’s “The Rainbow Is Enuf,” inspired by Ntozake Shange’s popular play, and a world premiere by vaunted San Francisco modern dance choreographer Robert Moses, making his first foray into aerial work.

The special Saturday performance highlights young dancers with the San Francisco Youth Circus, Kinetic Arts Center’s Circus Spire, Mendocino’s Circus Mecca, Oakland’s Bandaloop and Destiny Arts Youth companies, and the Zaccho Youth Company.

晚上8点8月19日星期五;下午3点和8点8月20日星期六;中午和下午3点8月21日,星期日。$ 15- $ 30。梅森堡中心节馆和科威尔剧院,玛丽娜大道2号,S.F。www.fortmason.org

  • 雷切尔·霍华德
    雷切尔·霍华德雷切尔·霍华德is a Bay Area freelance writer