
旧金山芭蕾舞演员呈现“唐吉诃德”。照片:©Erik Tomasson / San Francisco Ballet 2019

它是流行的波动运动,将浪漫喜剧“Don Quixote”作为一个轻浮的伙计们在古典舞蹈的大宴会桌上。也许是因为没有人死亡,欢闹的规则和Ludwig Minkus'得分 - 通过七十多个其他作曲家内插的距离和碎片 - 反弹以及未经缺乏的粉丝。这是一个有趣的生产。

开夜旧金山芭蕾舞团“Don Quixote,” on Friday, Jan. 25, was marked by uproarious laughter at the slapstick comedy and effusive cheers for the choreographic thrills — despite it’s reputation, “Don Q” boasts some of the most dead-serious, difficult dancing in the canon.

Inspired by Miguel de Cervantes’ 17th century picaresque novel, “Don Q” follows the windmill-battling dreamer Don (Jim Sohm) and his bumbling sidekick Sancho Panza (Pascal Molat) to Barcelona, where they cross paths with young lovers Kitri (Mathilde Froustey) and Basilio (Angelo Greco). Kitri’s father won’t allow her to marry the penniless Basilio and has betrothed her to wealthy buffoon Gamache (Alexandre Cagnat). For the next three acts, it’s a mad, mad race to get Kitri and Basilio to the altar.

艺术总监Helgi Tomasson和Choreographer-In-Residence Yuri Possokhov于​​2003年编排了这一生产,保留了Alexander Gorsky的1900年Marius Petipa's 1869年的俄罗斯首映的1900年修改的定义Bravura序列。它轻快地移动,浮现足够的哑剧,讲述这个故事并拥有致命的拳头线,提醒你他的公司做得很好。


mathilde远处“唐吉诃德”。照片:Erik Tomasson / 2019

自2015年在这项生产中首次亮相以来,远远学的解释已经增长。角色的诱惑和壮丽的信心自然地实现,并且在Pointe上的延长余额是如此;她获得了更多纪律严明的时间,帮助将性格和音乐带入同步。她在Pirouettes的电热对角线上启动了火花;在优雅的Dulcinea Adagio中,她是由Koto Ishihara的亲切女王的干酪和Norika Matsuyyama精彩丘比特的出席。

Jennifer Stahl逃离了Bravas作为Street Dancer Mercedes,提供了热情的音乐性,富有尖锐的裙子和令人惊叹的背部;作为她的Paramour Espada,Daniel Deivison-Oliveira就像一个弯刀一样工作。Cagnat在Gamache中举行了一件神话般的FOP;第三年的军团成员作为角色演员具有重大承诺。

茱莉亚罗和伊莎贝拉DeVivo是杰出的Kitri’s friends, who dance extensively in unison. That’s more than an academic point — precise timing and technique create visual harmony that draws you into the music and the world onstage. The corps looked well-rehearsed in Act I, but their fandango needs a lot more Spanish flair. Notwithstanding a few timing glitches, Martin West motivated, modulated and at times paused the orchestra to heighten the theatrical effects.

旧金山芭蕾舞演员的“唐吉诃德”:下午2点和8点。1月26日星期六;下午2点1月27日星期日。通过2月3日375美元。战争纪念歌剧院,301 van Ness Ave.,S.F.415-865-2000。www.sfballet.org.

  • 克劳迪娅鲍尔
    克劳迪娅鲍尔克劳迪娅鲍尔is a Bay Area freelance writer