您可以随时依靠George Balanchine的“C中的交响曲”,以提供精神深度和脱脂兴奋,至少在于2月1日星期二,在旧金山芭蕾舞演员第89赛季开幕时跳舞。
图片如下:36军团女性武器和腿像瑞士手表的齿轮一样,虽然近十几个男人在中心跳跃,四个精美的芭蕾舞女演员在前面狂热,作为乐团的旋转的摩西队的旋转。乔治Balanchine Trust Repetiteur Sandra Jennings的详细信息与乔治Balancine Trust Repetite jennings呈现,这并不是一个完美的表现,但它是一个有益的人,将肾上腺素注入一个三重票据,开始暂定和结束全蒸汽。
小时的男人是Helgi Tomasson., who will conclude his37-year tenure作为艺术总监在这个赛季结束时,be succeeded in 2023 by Tamara Rojo. But the woman of the hour Tuesday was Sarah Van Patten. Now entering her 20th year with the company, she danced the heart of “Symphony in C,” the mysterious and extraordinarily challenging second movement, with lush, commanding maturity. And she did this having already claimed the stage in the middle work of the night, Cathy Marston’s “Mrs. Robinson,” finally receiving its world premiere after two years of pandemic delays.
Van Patten只是看到Marston的新芭蕾舞的原因之一,尽管工作不是不合格的成功。即将成为BallettZürich的艺术总监的Marston在重新解释文学作品上建立了她的编载职业。“太太。罗宾逊,“她在查尔斯韦伯的1963年的”毕业生“中找到了灵感,成为1967年电影主演达斯汀霍夫曼的基础。
“Mrs. Robinson” has a brilliant set design by Patrick Kinmonth and a clever original score by Terry Davies. But arguably the most ingenious element, devised by Marston and dramaturg Edward Kemp, is the ballet’s ensemble of a dozen women in ’60s dresses and aprons who prance through, dusting invisible furniture and baking invisible cakes. They represent the stultifying expectations of female life that drive Mrs. Robinson’s pathological behaviors. (As Marston has noted to interviewers, 1963 marked the release of both “The Graduate” and Betty Friedan’s “The Feminine Mystique.”)
这种通过罗宾逊夫人的游行的戏剧化实现了卓越的性格复杂性。还有很简单的快乐:诱惑场景像电影一样有趣,而且高潮 - Joseph Walsh作为本杰明射击一条腿,因为梵蒂登,跨越他,拱门猛烈,然后吹嘘她的烟歌剧院。沃尔什是一个令人讨厌的本杰明神经的奇迹,就像霍夫曼本人一样引人注目。
But beyond these高丛林, Marston succeeds in making us care about Mrs. Robinson — you want her to break free.
Happily, Marston’s refocused ending on “Mrs. Robinson” doesn’t give the audience a pat answer about her fate. Unhappily, this ends the work on a diffuse, low-energy note. Then too, other scenes drag, such as the second copulation between Benjamin and Mrs. Robinson, and Benjamin’s scene of falling in love with Mrs. Robinson’s daughter Elaine. (Although Madison Keesler was appealing in the role and warmly applauded.)
“C的交响乐中的第二个运动充满了余额和跌倒,必须定时为舞者站在悬崖上,然后作为一种无私的信仰行为。Van Patten的合作伙伴Ulrik Birkkjaer对此效果至关重要。他的双手似乎和她一起唱歌,在她的身体的电力领域。
Sasha de Sola在第一间运动中非常出色,同样表达她的脚,肩膀和眼睛。Jennifer Stahl似乎很俏皮,最终运动的最终运动 - Balanchine本人可能已经批准。DoresAndré轻轻地通过奔腾的第三运动界。她的派遣很漂亮,这不够。
André was far more compelling at the opening of the program in Tomasson’s 2011 ballet “Trio,” as a woman torn between a gentle partner, Luke Ingham, and a figure of death, the excellent Daniel Deivison-Oliveira. Unfortunately, the other movements of this treatment of Tchaikovsky’s “Souvenir de Florence” string sextet can feel expendable. Angelo Greco and Misa Kuranaga turned in some technically astonishing dancing in the final two movements but weren’t yet performing with a pre-pandemic level of presence.
旧金山芭蕾舞演员:计划1持续到2月12日。$ 29-448。战争纪念歌剧院,301 van Ness Ave.,S.F.415-865-2000。www.sfballet.org.