Bay Area Catholic leaders have better things to exorcise than a toppled statue

San Francisco’s Archbishop SalvatoreCordileone conducts an exorcism outside of the Church of St.Raphael in San Rafael on Saturday, Oct. 17, on the spot where a statue of St. Junipero Serra was toppled during a protest.Photo: Jessica Christian / The Chronicle

Having been raised Catholic, I try never to miss an exorcism.

For anyone picturing Linda Blair’s head-spinning, projectile-vomiting performance in the 1973 possession film “The Exorcist,” the real ritual isn’t nearly as fun. Yes, there are rare times when priests perform supposed demonic exorcisms, but the term is broad; part of the ritual of baptism involves an act of exorcism, a priest once explained to me at a christening. It basically involves praying and holy water; no one levitates or attacks Ellen Burstyn.

Sadly, I missed the exorcism Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco recently performedat St. Raphael Catholic Church in downtown San Rafael.教会是在网站上of Mission San Rafael Arcangel,20的21个加州任务,e to a statue of Junipero Serra, the Spanish priest and founder of the mission system who was made a saint in 2015.

The Serra statue was knocked off its pedestal by protesters on Indigenous Peoples’ Day. While it is off being repaired, the exorcism took place where it once stood.

When I heard the news about the exorcism, I was suddenly hopeful that the Catholic Church had entered the 21st century. Yes, please exorciseallthe missions of the legacy of abuse suffered by indigenous people at these sites, of the erasure of their cultures and of their forced labor.

But that wasn’t the archbishop’s intent. Cordileone has provedto have an old-school,socially reactionary Catholic philosophythat doesn’t leave a lot of room forempathy for the marginalized.His anti-LGBTQ positions are a good example of that, as was his call for a discriminatory morality clause in Catholic school teachers’ contracts. He’s more conservative than the current pope, whichhasn’t always sat well with Bay Area Catholics, a group ofwhom petitioned for his replacement in 2015.

“This sacred site has been desecrated, so we know there is evil here,” Cordileone said at the start of the exorcism, explaining that the ceremony would defend the image of Serra. Serra’s goal, he said, was “not to dominate and annihilate” indigenous peoples, but to “save them from domination and annihilation” by exposing them to the church. That line was hard to buy in 1769; in 2020, it’s nauseating. Move over, Linda Blair; it’s my turn to get sick.

I’d guess I’m probably closer to the average Bay Area Catholic in my mind-set about the church than the archbishop is. After nine years of parochial school, I appreciate the glorious art, music and theatrical rituals of Catholicism: Give me a man in a dress waving a bejeweled incense burner any day, and throw in a couple Renaissance paintings while you’re at it! The more mystical aspects of the church have always been good literature, but I don’t take them literally.

That said, I have met many practicing Catholics — Jesuits, nuns, laypeople — who embody a religious desire to be of service to the vulnerable, and I admire them for that. But between the church’s anti-LGBTQ positions, exclusion of women in leadership and general pre-Galilean dogma, it doesn’t feel like an institution aware that the world has evolved much since the Council of Trent. It also doesn’treflect the culture of the Bay Area.

Debris sits on the site once home to astatue of St. Junipero Serrabefore the San Franciscoarchbishop’sexorcism.Photo: Jessica Christian / The Chronicle

Still, I think the archbishop is right about one thing: Sometimes, exorcisms are necessary.

We should exorcise the missions, butstart by expressing contrition to the tribal communities whose ancestors were oppressed at those sites. Engage in a dialogue about how the church’s financial resources could best make an impact in preserving the native cultures that the missions sought to uproot.

Exorcise all the places in the Bay Area where women suffered because of the church’s anti-birth-control and anti-reproductive-freedom stances. Then exorcise Star of the SeaParish in the Richmond District, where little girls learned a lesson in church misogyny whenFather Joseph Illodecided to train only boys to be altar servers, removing young women from that role.

Next stop: all the Catholic schools in the Bay Area where queer kids got bullied and teachers chose to look away. Then we’ll exorcise all theCatholic parents who couldn’t accept their LGBTQ children because of the teachings of the church. We’ll close by reminding them how many of the great artists and musicians of the church were in fact, gay.

At the Cathedral of St.Mary of the Assumption, we have our work cut out for us exorcising the doorwayswhere sprinklers were installed to deter the homelesswho sought shelter there. Did the churchforget Matthew 25:40 — “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”?

I can’t imagine how you could exorcise the suffering of the children (now adults) whoendured years of sexual abusefrom priests in the Bay Area and then were pained further as the archdiocese and Vatican moved abusers from parish to parish and worked to conceal the truth.

Keep your holy water at the ready, archbishop. You’ve got much bigger demons to attend to than the people who toppled a statue.

  • Tony Bravo
    Tony BravoTony Bravo's column appears Mondays in Datebook. Email: Twitter: @TonyBravoSF