Charline Ronzon-Jaricot, "L'Ascentium," 2015. Glass, brass, ceramics, candle.Photo: Provided by Charline Ronzon-Jaricot / Museum of Craft and Design
$8 – 10

Museum of Craft and Design’s ‘Living with Scents’

Date & Time

Sat. Feb. 12 — Sun. Jun. 05
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Museum of Craft and Design
2569 Third St.
San Francisco
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Charline Ronzon-Jaricot, "L'Ascentium," 2015. Glass, brass, ceramics, candle.Photo: Provided by Charline Ronzon-Jaricot / Museum of Craft and Design

How much can you still smell through a mask?

The Museum of Craft and Design is betting that it’s at least enough to dedicate a whole exhibit to our olfactory system, with its uncanny ability to elicit vivid, otherwise forgotten memories.

“Living With Scents,” on view (and on smell) Saturday, Feb. 12, through June 5, features 40 artists and designers with works categorized into five themes: “Ways of Sensing” (to help us sniff as carefully as a wine connoisseur tastes); “Nose Meets the Eye” (just because something smells interesting doesn’t mean it can’t also tantalize visually); “The Scent of Care” (on smell’s healing powers); “A Scented Art of Living” (with reimagined everyday objects); and “Spray it, Don’t Say it” (since words are overrated, why not communicate via aroma?).

Visitors might emerge from the exhibit into the rest of the world ready to follow their noses instead of their eyes.