Trisha yekwood,Jerry米将猪皮扔在最佳的猪皮,因为Garth Brooks从边线欢呼

5月25日星期六,与杰里米,杰拉·奥德伍德与杰瑞米,在巴特勒克纳帕谷的人群中抛出了纯足球。照片:Paul Kuroda / Special The Chronicle

威廉姆斯·索诺玛烹饪阶段是去看烹饪世界的明星的地方,音乐灯饰和好莱坞的名观标识在最佳纳帕谷和乡村歌手/食品网络人格中混合它Trisha yelwood49人队的足球伟大的杰里米在星期六5月25日星期六举办了“尾门和杰里米”的“尾门和杰里米”。

With Yearwood’s husband, country star Garth Brooks, cheering her on from backstage (the couple were celebrating the anniversary of their engagement), Yearwood and Rice playfully tossed the football to each other (Rice insisting that he had a better arm than quarterbacks Joe Montana and Steve Young). The pair then autographed the pigskin, which she tossed into the crowd.



All the while, culinary stage emcee Liam Mayclem quizzed Yearwood on her sports allegiances (Tennessee Titans for her, the Pittsburgh Steelers for her husband), during which Yearwood revealed that country music’s first couple hung out at San Francisco’s Oracle Park for the Giants-Diamondbacks game Friday night.

不幸的是,布鲁克斯并没有走向舞台迎接粉丝。但周六标志着耶和华的第二岁的第二次出现在节日和她的新专辑“这个小镇的每个女孩”的赛特出来了6月6日,也许他会回到耶和华的燕麦2020 - 这次是在主舞台上套装。



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