
维拉·法玛(Vera Farmiga)(中心)在“纪念五天”中出演,这是一部关于卡特里娜飓风在一家医院的后果的戏剧。照片:Apple TV+



‘The Sandman’

由于Netflix,有史以来最著名的漫画之一终于进入了屏幕。尼尔·盖曼(Neil Gaiman)令人难以置信的梦想之王莫菲斯(Morpheus)的故事,在80年代和90年代完全重新定义了漫画书,涉及存在主义,宗教和对变革的恐惧的主题。The series is helmed by David S. Goyer (the “Blade” trilogy) and Allan Heinberg (“Wonder Woman”), and the first season will follow Morpheus’ (Tom Sturridge) attempts to regain his kingdom after being imprisoned for decades by a human sorcerer (Charles Dance). Along the way, Morpheus battles Lucifer (Gwendoline Christie), gets a stern talking-to from his sister, Death (Kirby Howell-Baptiste), and gains a talking raven sidekick (Patton Oswalt).


Watch it:戏剧系列。Available to stream on Netflix starting Friday, Aug. 5.

‘Five Days at Memorial’

不可能高估墨西哥湾沿岸飓风的破坏力,但即使按照这些标准,卡特里娜飓风也是灾难。暴风雨的一场大悲剧发生在新奥尔良的纪念医疗中心,在那里员工和患者没有食物,权力或逃脱五天的方式。在此期间,医院打了残酷的电话,包括医生必须对一些无法在疏散的患者安乐死。该系列重点关注安娜·普(Anna Pou)博士(维拉·法拉法(Vera Farmiga)),后者最终因在风暴之后的行为而面临谋杀罪。

这个严峻的故事以前被认为是FX上的“美国犯罪故事”系列的一部分,但最终被过去直到约翰·里德利(“ 12年的奴隶”)和卡尔顿·卡塞(Carlton Cuse)(“迷失”)恢复了。

Watch it:Limited series. First three episodes premiere Friday, Aug. 12 on Apple TV+. Subsequent episodes released Fridays through Sept. 16.


八月的另一场备受期待的漫画节目是Marvel的She-Hulk系列,由Tatiana Maslany(“ Orphan Black”)主演。詹妮弗·沃尔特斯(Jennifer Walters)是一位谦虚的年轻律师,他也恰好是复仇者布鲁斯·班纳(Avenger Bruce Banner)的堂兄,又名令人难以置信的绿巨人。当他给她输血时,她成为了轰动一时的She-Hulk,这是她自己的superstrong且极其自信的新版本。

节目主持人杰西卡·高(Jessica Gao)(“里克和莫蒂”)将该系列作为合法喜剧而不是传统的超级英雄故事,在那里沃尔特斯将探索有权力的人的新法律世界。有传言或确认有几个漫威电影宇宙角色出现,例如蒂姆·罗斯(Tim Roth)的憎恶和查理·考克斯(Charlie Cox)的《夜魔侠》(Daredevil)。Jameela Jamil(“ Good Place”)也将使她成为小人Titania的MCU首次亮相。

Watch it:Superhero series. First episode premieres Wednesday, Aug. 17, on Disney+. Subsequent episodes release Wednesdays through Oct. 12.


其中一个最令人愉快的事情发生在电话上evision in the past decade is the re-Nye-ssance of Bill Nye the Science Guy. At a time when it seems like scientific literacy is at a historic low and heavily politicized, Nye has stayed in the public eye thanks to his millions of TikTok fans and shows like “Bill Nye Saves the World.” His latest outing is about disasters, both natural and unnatural.

The new show will feature Nye exploring volcanoes, outbreaks and other extreme situations, and then explain to the audience how they can be mitigated. The series should pair well with Nye’s fervent education campaigns on climate change, a subject that has been his main focus for a decade. Though the subjects are terrifying, Nye promises to show how we can survive and maybe prevent the worst that nature has to throw at us.

Watch it:Educational show. Available to stream on Thursday, Aug. 25, on Peacock.


在迪士尼+时代,“星球大战”宇宙一直是一片辉煌的光彩,因此“安多”有一个高标准可以清除。该系列的衍生作品是在这部电影的事件发生五年之前,并再次出演了迭戈·卢娜(Diego Luna)(也是执行人物)作为卡西安·安多(Cassian Andor)。该节目将在他成为帮助窃取死亡之星计划的男人之前,处理安多(Andor)作为小偷的时间。

Like “Rogue One,” it’s a story of the Rebel Alliance before Luke Skywalker turned the tide against the Galactic Empire, and the previews show a similarly gritty tone focused on the horrors of the coming war. Genevieve O’Reilly also reprises her role as Mon Mothma, the head of the Rebel Alliance.

Watch it:戏剧系列。前两集于8月31日星期三在迪士尼+上首映。随后的情节发布至11月9日。

  • Jef Rouner
    Jef RounerJef Rouner是位于休斯敦的自由记者。