在新的Hulu Limited系列的第一集“辍学,”有关壮观的崛起和秋天Theranos创始人伊丽莎白福尔摩斯,19岁的福尔摩斯(由阿曼达Seyfried演奏)回家从大学回家告诉她的父母她计划辍学斯坦福。她只是一个二年级学生,并希望利用她的剩余学费来资助血液测试初创公司,她当然会彻底改变医疗保健和改变世界。
飞行员中的一行,由系列创造者和Showrunner Liz Meriwether编写,简明扼要地总结了福尔摩斯中无数人感受到的愤怒硅谷轨道。Her high-profile investors, closest advisers and hundreds of employees, as well as the media, have tried to make sense of her true motivations ever since it was revealed by the Wall Street Journal in 2015 that much of Holmes’ Icarus-like rise and self-made billionaire status was built on fiction.
Meriwether said that when she signed on with Searchlight Television to create the dramatic, eight-episode retelling of Holmes’ infamous downfall — which is set in the Bay Area but was filmed in Los Angeles — she was motivated by that desire to better understand the seemingly unknowable young CEO.
“I remember seeing (Holmes) when she was all over the press for starting Theranos and, like everybody, I bought into this ‘great story’ of a young woman in tech and science who broke through,” Meriwether told The Chronicle in a recent phone interview from her home in Los Angeles.
“我突然突然处于领导者的奇怪地位,”她回忆起她的流行系列,从2011年到2018年跑了七个赛季。Meriwether还写了2011年浪漫喜剧“没有附加的条纹”,主演Natalie Portman主演了阿斯顿库彻。
So while she immersed herself in research and interviews about Holmes’ failed medical-device technology, and the huge sums of money Theranos raised and lost in sensational fashion, she was more interested in trying to imagine what the charismatic young Holmes actually experienced from within the debacle.
“当探照灯让我和他们见面时,他们有权rebecca jarvis'令人惊叹的(abc新闻)播客,这是基于的,我记得感觉已经是一份纪录片(Alex Gibney的'发明家')。有一本书('坏血,'John Carreyrou,首先打破了这个故事)和如此多的报道。但是在我盯着播客之后,我觉得自己开始得到这个问题,试图从伊丽莎白的角度看待事物。当她内建造的那一刻,她的感觉是什么?
Seyfried discovered, through extensive research and obsessively watching and rewatching Holmes’ deposition tapes from 2017 — in which she famously said “I don’t know” more than 600 times — that there was “so much” in Holmes’ early life that Seyfried found relatable. The details made it easier to portray her as a flawed and complex individual, and not simply as a villain or subject for parody. (Holmes has been mercilessly skewered on “Saturday Night Live” by Chloe Fineman and Kate McKinnon, who was originally attached to play her in “The Dropout”).
现在36,Seyfried只是比福尔摩斯年轻两岁,并表示她“感觉我们在同一代中长大,可能看同样的事情。她让我想起了很多我上学的人。她有点尴尬,她致力于她想做的是一个真正年轻的年龄,我也是如此。我已经在15岁时选择了我的(代理)道路 - 虽然我热情,但没有她的野心水平。她没有停下来,以便她想去的地方。“
这位女演员表示献身福尔摩斯的签名高领曲线和浮肿的黑色背心,她的红色口红,睁大眼睛凝视和她的商标 - 而假的 - 低音的声音帮助她与“与她有关,而不是判断她”的关键任务。
“我喜欢那个剧本的傻瓜是非犹太人,”这为福尔摩斯建立了同情心,即使他们暴露了她的贪婪,轻松与她多大的男朋友ramesh“sunny”巴伦尼(Naveen Andrews)的欺骗和复杂的关系,她最近被指责她的激动虐待。