鲍勃·伍德拉夫(Bob Woodruff)与儿子一起参加新迪斯尼Plus系列的“流氓之旅”

前美国广播公司新闻主播鲍勃·伍德拉夫(Bob Woodruff)(右)和他的儿子麦克(Mack)在哥伦比亚旅行中,在7月24日星期五在迪斯尼Plus上首映。照片:迪士尼企业

Bob Woodruff has been with自1996年以来的ABC新闻,在2006年将伊拉克战争报告为网络的联合主持人时,大多数人在2006年的路边炸弹袭击中幸存下来。


So “Rogue Trip,” which premieres all six episodes on Disney Plus on Friday, July 24, was a chance for father and son to bond by traveling to six countries off the beaten path of most vacationers: Colombia, Papua New Guinea, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Lebanon and Ukraine.

现年58岁的伍德拉夫(Woodruff)涵盖亚洲,并为“夜线”和“ 20/20”提交长篇小说。他还负责Bob Woodruff Foundation,它与帮助退伍军人的组织和慈善机构紧密合作。

他从纽约州威彻斯特县的家中向编年史进行了交谈,在那里他指出,麦克出生于旧金山(“我们在我当记者之前住了两年”),他的26岁女儿,Cathryn, was moving to Berkeley — but made clear he’s not playing favorites. (Woodruff also has 20-year-old twin girls, Claire and Nora, with his wife of 32 years, Lee Woodruff.)





A:Everyone needs to know that countries can change in an instant. … But I just know that the people and the places have a lot more beauty to them and intelligence to them than they get depicted, as in a lot of the reporting we’ve done in terms of covering crises and wars and starvation.

但是,是的,我认为去我们去的每个国家 /地区都可以安全。

前ABC新闻主播鲍勃•伍德乐夫和他的儿子ack, sit with village children in Papua New Guinea to watch an archery competition in an episode of “Rogue Trip,” which premieres on Disney Plus on Friday, July 24.照片:迪士尼企业

Q: I think many American viewers might be surprised by the amount of gorgeous country there is in the places you visit.


Parts of Colombia were not accessible because of conflicts with FARC (a Colombian rebel group), essentially a war they had with them for decades. Now in Colombia you can go to this flat land where you can go ride horses, and you can go to the Amazon in Colombia, which everybody just assumes it’s just Brazil that has the Amazon.


Q: You state in the series that a big reason for you to do this was to bond with your son, Mack. What did you learn about him during the shoot?


Actually, a lot of things we learned about each other. One thing I learned is that he’s very much like me. I think he’s got a hunger to tell stories. He’s got a good eye as a photographer and a good heart.

I had this great gift to be able to spend five months in unique places with my son. Actually sleeping in the same rooms, traveling in the same cars, meeting the same people. That doesn’t mean it was perfect.


A:Nah, just little things here and there. Nothing major. I think he got tired of me asking so many questions. We make fun of each other, and that’s always a good thing.

Former ABC News anchor Bob Woodruff (right) takes video of an underwater tank in Sidon, Lebanon, in an episode of “Rogue Trip.”照片:Mack Woodruff /迪士尼企业



Listen, I’m not saying he’s my favorite child, that’s not actually the case! (Laughs) The twin girls were tied down with college.

问:您访问过的六个国家 /地区中哪个是哪个?




Q: What was the best meal that you had?

A:I love Pakistani food. Everybody knows Indian food in the U.S., but Pakistani food is maybe even better.


A:当人们询问如何在国家 /地区保持安全并不是您要去的国家,而是您要去的地方以及您到达那里时的行为,我总是向人们提出一个明确的意识。因为一件事可以引发对局外人的报复,而当您尝试将自己的文化强加于他们的局外人。


“流氓之旅”premieres on Disney Plus on Friday, July 24.

  • G.艾伦·约翰逊
    G.艾伦·约翰逊G.艾伦·约翰逊is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: ajohnson@sfchronicle.com Twitter: @BRfilmsAllen