Frameline 2022:在S.F.的LGBTQ电影节期间您不会错过的11部电影

Jeannette Feliciano is the subject of the new documentary “Jeannette,” screening at Frameline46.照片:格雷线

在2021年在一个流行世界中测试了现场节目的水域之后,Frameline Film Festival全都参加了第46版,于6月16日(星期四)开始了Prime Video的放映“他们自己的联盟​​”电视连续剧,直到6月26日在旧金山和奥克兰的剧院延伸。

For those who can’t make it in person, select titles will be available to stream June 24-June 30. Filmmakers and cast members are expected to attend many screenings as the long-running festival returns to a full celebration of queer cinema this Pride Month.

Here are some highlights from the festival’s 2022 lineup, from documentaries to narrative features, some with local flavor:



Jeannette Feliciano is a competitive body builder, a gay single mom to a teenage son, patient daughter to a homophobic mother and a rock for her family when Hurricane Maria devastates their native Puerto Rico. She is also a survivor of the 2016 Pulse nightclub mass shooting that took 49 lives in Orlando, Fla.

玛丽斯·柯兰(Maris Curran)的有见地的纪录片,是一笔格雷琳(Frameline)完成赠款的获奖者,是一幅共鸣的肖像,是一名有韧性的女人在悲剧和创伤中工作的方式。

1:30 p.m. Friday, June 17. Castro Theatre, 429 Castro St., S.F. Available to stream June 24-30.

当地电影制片人和前纪事工作人员作家戴维·刘易斯(David Lewis)的“各种爱情”的场景,在弗拉梅琳(Frameline)46放映。照片:格雷线

‘All Kinds of Love’

Funny, sexy and sometimes poignant, former Chronicle staff writer and filmmaker David Lewis’ (“Longhorns”) latest film charts the developing relationship between a middle-aged, freshly divorced man and his new young roommate. Meanwhile, their friends and family negotiate their own emotional and sexual land mines in a dramedy where feelings are naked – and so, frequently, are the cast’s bodies.

下午6:156月18日,星期六。卡斯特罗剧院,429 Castro St.,S.F。可用于6月24日至30日流式传输。

电影制片人彼得·麦克道威尔(Peter McDowell)在“西贡的吉米(Jimmy)”中调查了他的兄弟吉米·麦克道威尔(Jimmy McDowell)的生与死。照片:格雷线


电影制片人彼得·麦克道威尔(Peter McDowell)只有5岁,当时他的哥哥吉米(Jimmy)于1972年去世,他承诺要发现他的兄弟姐妹的真相,他的兄弟姐妹是越南饱受战争的越南的平民。麦克道威尔(McDowell)的亲密纪录片使肉体陷入了记忆,使他更接近他几乎不认识的兄弟,因为他揭开了镜头和死亡的奥秘。

1:15 p.m. Sunday, June 19. Castro Theatre, 429 Castro St., S.F. Available to stream June 24-30.

圣安东尼奥市议会candidate Frankie Gonzales-Wolfe is the transgender woman at the heart of the documentary “A Run for More.”照片:格雷线

‘A Run for More’

This lively and often poignant cinema verité documentary follows corporate executive and longtime campaign worker Frankie Gonzales-Wolfe as she runs for a city council seat in San Antonio. A transgender woman in a state that churns out anti-trans legislation, Gonzales-Wolfe fights an uphill battle with grace and aplomb in a film that gives voice to her life story while depicting her campaign.

1:30 p.m. Sunday, June 19. Roxie Theater, 3117 16th St., S.F.; Available to stream June 24-30.

米歇尔·赖斯(Micheal Rice)在黑人社区中检查同性恋恐惧症的纪录片是“黑人,”是弗拉梅琳(Frameline)首届《沉默奖》的获胜者。照片:格雷线


The winner of Frameline’s inaugural Out in the Silence Award — given to a film that puts a spotlight on courageous acts of LGBTQ visibility — Micheal Rice’s powerful documentary examines homophobia and transphobia within the Black community.

Set against a backdrop of pandemic and a resurgent Black Lives Matter movement, Rice takes a three-pronged approach to his subject, viewed through the lens of history and systemic racism, the accounts of contemporary gay and transgender people, and Rice’s own recollections of growing up gay in Texas. This Juneteenth selection is an indelible work.

下午6:156月19日,星期日。卡斯特罗剧院,429 Castro St.,S.F。可用于6月24日至30日流式传输。



H.P. Mendoza’s (“Bitter Melon,” “Fruit Fly”) latest work charts new territory for the San Francisco filmmaker, unfolding over three screens as it reimagines a Noah’s Ark-like journey of human relocation to the moon in the wake of a pandemic. Blending material from the Prelinger Archives, animation and live action, the work is stunning — visually and emotionally. The screening is a free community event presented at the outdoor Proxy space in San Francisco’s Hayes Valley neighborhood.

晚上9点6月19日,星期日。免费放映。代理,432 Octavia St.,S.F。

Tom E. Brown’s “Edvard Takes a Lover” is screening as part of “Homegrown: Perfect Day,” a program of Bay Area local shorts.照片:格雷线

‘Homegrown: Perfect Day’

In a time of endless pandemic and lockdown, a man seeks a novel solution to his loneliness in Tom E. Brown’s (“Pushing Dead”) “Edvard Takes a Lover.” Kegan Marling’s “Rex Ray: A Portrait” offers a short, succinct glimpse of the late San Francisco artist through objects he collected. In “Chaac + Yum,” Mayan deities find themselves in a centuries-old dance – this time at the Stud.

These three shorts are but a third of this program celebrating the work of Bay Area filmmakers.


玛吉特·卡斯滕森(Margit Carstensen)和汉娜·施氏(Hanna Schygulla)在雷纳·沃纳·法斯宾德(Rainer Werner Fassbinder)1972年的情节剧《佩特拉·冯·康德(Petra von Kant)的痛苦泪水》中,放映了Frameline46。照片:格雷线


这款令人眼花my乱的情节剧在Frameline闭幕式夜晚特色“ Peter van Kant”中的灵感来源,自发行以来的50年中,它没有失去其力量。由全名女演员主演,完全放在同名佩特拉(Margit Cartens)的公寓内,这是一项对动力动力学的研究,因为时装设计师被新恋人撤消(Hanna Schygulla(Hanna Schygulla),他在彼得·冯(Peter von)中联合主演康德”)。这次黄金周年纪念放映庆祝了Auteur Ra​​iner Werner Fassbinder的职业生涯的里程碑。

3 p.m. June 23. Castro Theatre, 429 Castro St., S.F.

Vincent DeFonte, a.k.a. Lady Vinsantos, is seen in “Last Dance,” Frameline46’s documentary centerpiece presentation.照片:格雷线


A performer at San Francisco’s Trannyshack, Vince DeFonte, a.k.a. drag icon Lady Vinsantos, relocated to Louisiana and started the New Orleans Drag Workshop. Director Coline Abert’s vivid documentary finds DeFonte at a pivotal moment as the cabaret artist considers retiring Vinsantos, but not before one last fabulous show in Paris.

Limited tickets are also available to a drag-filled afterparty at Oasis (298 11th St., S.F.) following this Centerpiece screening.


Andrea Riseborough plays a bride erotically obsessed with the local gang in “Please Baby Please,” screening at Frameline46.照片:格雷琳 /帕特里克·琼斯(

‘Please Baby Please’

大卫·林奇(David Lynch)和约翰·沃特斯(John Waters)的阴影,以及大量的肯尼斯·愤怒(Kenneth Anger),在阿曼达·克拉默(Amanda Kramer)浸透了爵士乐的黑色漫画情节剧中。安德里亚·里斯伯勒(Andrea Riseborough)扮演着一个艰难的新娘,与哈利·梅林(Harry Melling)的胆小婚姻,对亚瑟(Arthur)质疑。当这对夫妇监视着皮革穿着皮革的当地街头帮派犯有暴力犯罪时,他们就会痴迷。

舞蹈numbers and a standout cameo from Demi Moore are among the film’s delights.

下午6点6月23日。AMCKabuki 1881 Post St.,S.F。

旧金山阻力图标Donna Personna,主题为“ Donna”,在Frameline46放映。照片:格雷线


旧金山图标唐娜Personna告诉她自己的圣ory in this documentary as fabulous as its subject. In between performances at Aunt Charlie’s Lounge in the Tenderloin — where she made her drag debut at 60 — and preparations for “The Compton’s Cafeteria Riot,” a play she co-wrote about the 1966 riot in the city, the San Jose native recalls her youth and reunites with family.

6月25日上午11点。卡斯特罗剧院,429 Castro St.,S.F。

FRAMELINE46:June 16-30. $15.50-$17.50. Castro Theatre, 429 Castro St., S.F.; Roxie Theater, 3117 16th St., S.F.; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 151 Third St., S.F.; Proxy, 432 Octavia St., S.F.; AMC Kabuki 8, 1881 Post St., S.F.; the New Parkway Theater, 474 24th St.,

Frameline46 Streaming Encore:6月24日至30日。$ 8.50- $ 10.50。

  • 帕姆·格雷迪
    帕姆·格雷迪帕姆·格雷迪(Pam Grady)是湾区自由作家