生命值。Mendoza closes CAAMFest with party and virtual, animated musical crafted from new album ‘Folx’

生命值。Mendoza is releasing his new musical album “Folx” and converting it into an animated musical to light up a closing-night virtual dance party at CAAMFest on Sunday, May 23.照片:卡洛斯·阿维拉·冈萨雷斯(Carlos Avila Gonzalez) /《纪事》


Mendoza made his first indelible impression on movie fans in 2006 when “Colma: The Musical,” the Richard Wong film for which Mendoza wrote the screenplay and songs and acted, made its world premiere at what was then the San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival (now CAAMFest). Since then, the filmmaker, musician, composer, actor and writer has been a regular participant at the annual event.

他在那里首映了电影,包括他的导演处女作《果蝇》(2009年),以及最近的《苦瓜》(2018年)。他主持了讨论并举办了聚会。2016年,Caamfest主持了“ H.P.门多萨(Mendoza)在旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆(Art Art Art Museum)的收购,这是一个联合舞会,艺术展览和8位现场演出。

生命值。Mendoza’s “Bitter Melon,” a Filipino American tragicomedy set in San Francisco’s Excelsior neighborhood, premiered at CAAMFest in 2018.照片:Caamfest

This year, Mendoza’s contribution to the Center for Asian American Media festival is a closing night virtual dance party on Sunday, May 23, a free event that will introduce the world to his new project, a music album titled “Folx.”

“We want people to get up, to move their bodies, to be inspired,” Niwano says of ending the film festival on a celebratory note.

就门多萨而言,他刚刚渴望参加聚会。尽管他将自己描述为“教科书内向”,但他热情地计划并举办音乐和艺术主题的聚会,他称为“ Mission Arcade”,无论是在他的Mission District Backyard上扔到私人的私人街区还是在城市其他地方,都这样作为在Caamfest举行的。

生命值。Mendoza — filmmaker, actor, composer, and musician — creates at home in San Francisco.照片:卡洛斯·阿维拉·冈萨雷斯(Carlos Avila Gonzalez) /《纪事》

经过一年的流行几乎停止videoconference gatherings, he is eager for communal celebration. Remo, the virtual interactive platform that will host the CAAMFest closing-night festivities, is built to mimic the interaction of cocktail parties and live events. There Mendoza plans to perform his music live along with Anna Ishida, the star of his 2012 horror film, “I Am a Ghost”; nerd-core rapper Mega Ran; pop rap artist Lex the Lexicon Artist; and guitarist and songwriter Owen Otto.

Primarily known as the composer of scores and soundtracks, Mendoza released an album, “Everything Is Pop” in 2004, two years before “Colma: The Musical,” and has continued to make records. “Folx” is his first since 2016’s “Digital Crafts Night,” the eponymous LP from the band he formed with Otto and Jef Cunningham.

这也是他上一部电影《苦瓜》(Bittle Melon)的产物,这是一部在旧金山制作的黑暗喜剧,部分由Kickstarter运动赞助。$ 1,000捐赠的奖励是一首歌写并录制了有关每位支持者的一部分,成为MP3专辑的一部分。十八人在这个级别上做出了贡献,他将通过电子邮件和社交媒体了解他的粉丝,也是一个不同的团队,启发了与他们写的个人一样彼此不同的歌曲。

生命值。Mendoza is releasing a musical album, “Folx,” to coincide with CAAMFest.照片:卡洛斯·阿维拉·冈萨雷斯(Carlos Avila Gonzalez) /《纪事》

The challenge that confounded Mendoza was how to make a themed album out of such a varying set of songs. But then he began to think about nights out with friends or his husband, Mark Del Lima. He developed a Spotify playlist meant to mimic the feeling of being out at a club. It was a satisfying listen but fell short of the inspiration he was seeking.


“Every song will be a different style of dance, and the listener will feel like they’re going into a car and seeing friends who they haven’t seen in a while. As they hop from club to club, the style of dance changes, so it’s like a different theme for the night, disco night or it’s gay house.”

门多萨(Mendoza)开始计划他的凯姆菲斯特(Caamfest)时,设想了一个适度的活动。最初,他认为自己会用合成器,键盘,电夏威夷夏威夷四弦琴和旋律来武装自己,并亲自表演所有歌曲。但是,随着他不仅增加了来宾表演者的态度,而且还将“ folx”变成了动画功能音乐剧,他的野心越来越大,以伊希达(Ishida)为主角。


现场表演持续90分钟,Mendoza和他的同事们演奏整个“ Folx”歌曲,他和Ishida在旧金山一起演出,其他人一起演出,而其他人则在远处拨打 - 来自伯克利的Otto,Mega从Phoenix和Lexthe Lexicon跑了。来自曼哈顿的艺术家。(“苦瓜”联合主演科里·杰克逊(Corey Jackson)也是“ folx”的一部分,在演出的动画片段中作为角色出现。)

生命值。Mendoza’s “Folx” is streaming at the end of CAAMFest on Sunday, May 23.Photo: H.P. Mendoza

Lately, he has been watching videos of magician Christian Cagigal in preparation for the event. There are no magic tricks in “Folx,” but there are elements Mendoza hopes will enchant.


“Folx” Dance Party with H.P. Mendoza:Caamfest闭幕式虚拟庆祝活动。下午7点5月23日,星期日。caamfest.com/2021


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