Kidman is the only reason to see ‘但她# 8217;年代一个很好的理由< / > < /引用> < script type = ' text / javascript '> < !——!函数(a, b){“使用严格”;函数c(){如果(e) {e = ! 0; var a、c、d, f, g = 1 ! = = navigator.appVersion。indexOf(“MSIE10”),h = ! ! navigator.userAgent.match(/三叉戟。*房车:11 \。/),i = b.querySelectorAll(“iframe.wp-embedded-content”);(c = 0; c < i.length; c++){如果(d =我[c] ! d.getAttribute(“公开数据”))f = math . random () .toString (36) .substr (10), d.src + = " # ?秘密= " + f, d.setAttribute(“公开数据”,f);如果(g | | h) a = d.cloneNode (! 0), a.removeAttribute(“安全”),d.parentNode.replaceChild (,d)}}} var d = ! 1 e = ! 1;如果(b.querySelector) (a.addEventListener) d = ! 0;如果(a.wp = a.wp | | {}, ! a.wp.receiveEmbedMessage)如果(a.wp.receiveEmbedMessage =函数(c) {var d = c.data;如果(d) (d.secret | | d.message | | d.value)如果(! / [^ a-zA-Z0-9] / test (d.secret)) {vare、f、g、h、i, j = b.querySelectorAll(的iframe(数据秘密= " + d.secret +”]”),k = b.querySelectorAll(“blockquote[数据秘密=“+ d.secret +”)');(e = 0; e < k.length; e + +) k [e] .style.display =“没有”;(e = 0; e < j.length; e + +)如果(f = j [e], c.source = = = f.contentWindow){如果(f.removeAttribute(“风格”),“高度”= = = d.message){如果(g =方法(d.value 10), g > 1 e3) g = 1 e3;如果(g ~ ~ < 200) g = 200; f.height = g}如果(“链接”= = = d.message)如果(h = b.createElement(“a”),i = b.createElement(“a”),h.href = f.getAttribute (" src "), i.href = d.value i.host = = = h.host)如果(b.activeElement = = = f) a.top.location.href =其他d.value};}}, d) a.addEventListener(“信息”,a.wp.receiveEmbedMessage ! 1), b.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”内,c ! 1), a.addEventListener(“负载”,c,! 1)}(窗口、文档);/ / - - > < !