Mark Rylance re-energized by working with younger generations in ‘The Outfit’

Zoey Deutch作为Mable和Mark Rylance作为Leonard在Graham Moore的“衣服”。照片:焦点特点

如何在行为业务中保持年轻人?根据奥斯卡赢得演员标志的rylance,答案是与年轻人合作​​ - 而且,最重要的是,只是继续工作。

“I’m still working on what it is to be a veteran,” the 63-year-old told The Chronicle, with a laugh during a recent phone call from London. “It’s interesting, as you get older, the things you know are more in the bone and the marrow than in your brain. It’s如何you share that stuff and什么时候你分享那些确定它是否会赋予的东西,而不是限制其他人。“

To make“衣服,”在3月18日星期五的剧院里,Rylance主要被年轻的演员包围,他有一个爆炸。The unusual crime film, directed by Graham Moore (“The Imitation Game”), is set mostly in a tailor’s shop during a tense night in 1956 Chicago in which mobsters terrorize a meek, unassuming tailor (or, more accurately, a “cutter”) and his secretary(Zoey Dech)。悄然使用他的心理技能,他试图让他们在猫和老鼠的精心博弈中出于麻烦。

Dech是第27岁的女儿“回归未来”女演员Lea Thompson和Director霍华德·杜瓦德。在演员中也是Johnny Flynn(“Lovesick”,“Stardust”)和Dylan O’Brien(“The Maze Runner,” “Teen Wolf”), both in their 30s. Because the film was set in one confining space, the small group of actors and pared-down crew were able to rehearse and shoot in sequence, almost as if they were preparing a play. This gave the company, which also did two weeks of rehearsals before the shoot, a chance to bond, Rylance explained.


Mark Rylance(左)和Zoey Deutch Star在Graham Moore的“衣服”中。Photo: Nick Wall / Focus Featuers


In a separate phone interview from New York, Deutch (Netflix’s “The Politician,” “Zombieland: Double Tap”) described the process as “any actor’s dream come true to get to spend two weeks in a rehearsal space with Mark Rylance.”

“Who gets to have that? Especially in that I’m constantly feeling guilty for having not gone to traditional theater, school or college training,” Deutch said. “This was like a master class in rehearsal. He brought so much to the table, so many fun exercises and games and bonding experiences, and I’ll never forget it.

“One thing that he did was when you’re working on a scene and the rhythm doesn’t feel right, he suggested that we do the scene very, very fast pace — no gaps in between, no breathing room — then analyze afterward which parts felt right for those moments to be quick and impulsive and reactive. And then we did it again, and we went really slow with it and we analyzed which moments felt (right slower). And then we did it athird时间,我们纳入了那些时刻觉得的觉得。


Johnny Flynn(左)作为弗朗西斯,Alan Mehdizadeh作为僧侣和Zoey Deuters在“衣服”中。照片:尼克墙/焦点功能

Rylance,赢得了他的学院奖,作为支持演员Steven Spielberg’s 2015 film “Bridge of Spies,”said it was among the most enjoyable experiences he has had making a movie. Perhaps it’s because it had the spirit of putting on a play, his first love, which he was not able to do during the pandemic.

In fact, Rylance was talking from London because that’s where he’s preparing to return to the stage for the first time in three years. He’s slated for a revival of a favorite play of his,Jez Butterworth’s “Jerusalem,”2009年伦敦舞台起源于伦敦舞台(他说他想每10年一次复兴)。


If the COVID era reinforced anything for Rylance, it was the value of work and the responsibility to pay it forward to generations that come after him.

“我很幸运,”他说。“我的大多数朋友who are live musicians and live actors were in deep trouble. It’s been really, really difficult for people who make a living in the live arts. I’m lucky to have a foot in both camps (film and theater).”

Zoey Deutch和Mark Rylance在“装备”中。照片:尼克墙/焦点功能

Rylance承认大流行在许多行业都很艰难,而不仅仅是艺术。他谈到了他的兄弟,Jonathan Waters,the longtime sommelier atBerkeley’s Chez Panisse,which, like many restaurants, was forced to offer takeout and delivery service only. (Rylance, born Mark Waters, and Jonathan were born in Britain but raised in Connecticut and Wisconsin, with Mark returning to London in 1978 to pursue a career in theater. They are not related to Chez Panisse founder Alice Waters.)


“我是伦敦青年剧院的受托人,大多数人来自挑战背景,”他说。“他们不仅需要支持这项工作 - 制作莎士比亚的戏剧,制作(独立)电影 - 但他们实际上只需要支持自己。这是一个持续的担忧,所以我的注意力已经变得更加对这些年轻人更加令人兴奋,我希望让我对戏剧感兴趣的年轻人感到鼓励,当我还是个小的人时,我得到了我所拥有的。



  • G.艾伦约翰逊
    G.艾伦约翰逊G.艾伦约翰逊is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: Twitter: @BRfilmsAllen