
John Howard,Cary Grant,Katharine Hepburn和1940年电影中的Jimmy Stewart Stars“费城故事”。照片:匿名

凯瑟琳赫本于20世纪30年代后期已经变得非常不受欢迎。她的电影被轰炸,记者讨厌她,公众想到她被困。所以当她的朋友剧作家菲利普巴里时,她在新的比赛中为她写了一个主导作用,她在百老汇时占据了它的机会并主演。她还提前购买了屏幕权利 - 以防万一它变得受欢迎。好吧,它做了。因此,当MGM想要制作“费城故事”时,工作室必须处理赫本。他们购买了权利并签署了一份新合同。到现在为止还挺好。但你见过电影吗?如果你有,你最近见过它吗? The movie is a two-hour culpa in which Hepburn apologizes for being Hepburn. Everything is blamed on her: her father’s infidelity, her ex-husband’s alcoholism. So see this film as an example of Hollywood star appeal in the period right before America’s entry in World War II. (In addition to Hepburn, the film stars James Stewart and Cary Grant.) But also see it as an example of the kind of misogyny that could run rampant in a Hollywood film, not only with no one caring but without even a soul seeming to notice.

  • Mick Lasalle.
    Mick Lasalle.Mick Lasalle是旧金山纪事的电影评论家。电子邮件:mlasalle@sfhonelice.com推特:@micklasalle