
Keira Knightley扮演Katharine Gun,英国女士泄露英特尔的勒索勒索计划

英国全球监督中心GCHQ(政府通信总部)的前雇员Katharine Gun(政府通信总部),于2004年伦敦新闻发布会上与媒体发言。照片:Scott Barbour / TNS

Katharine Gun不打算试图阻止伊拉克战争。

Back in late January 2003, more than a month before U.S.-led forces invaded Iraq and before Gun’s own life was turned upside down by her unplanned act of whistle-blowing on a U.S. plot to spy on the United Nations, she didn’t even consider herself to be any more politically engaged or anti-war than your average British voter.

Like millions of people at the time on both sides of the Atlantic, Gun, who is portrayed by Keira Knightley in the new movie “Official Secrets,” questioned the rationales being used by the U.S. and the U.K. to justify launching an overwhelmingly unpopular war — like a trumped-up connection between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.

一名27岁的普通话译员在英国情报中工作,枪在家里度过了她的夜晚,看着这个消息,希望德鲁姆到战争将被压倒性的公众反对沉默。在“官方秘密”的早期场景中,Knightley坐在沙发上,亚马(由Adam Bakri发挥),托尼布莱尔托尼布莱尔的栏杆在电视台奠定了支持空气罢工的案例。“他的血腥谎言!”大喊大叫骑士利。“只是因为你是总理并不意味着你可以弥补自己的事实。”

Keira Knightley作为凯瑟琳枪在Gavin Hood的“官方秘密”中。照片:尼克墙/ IFC电影/ TNS

在她的丈夫私下大吼大叫,私下对枪支计划意见的程度,直到她在英国政府通讯总部看到了在她的办公室电脑屏幕上的票据。The top-secret memo from a division head at the U.S. National Security Agency revealed that the NSA wanted British intelligence to spy on five U.N. Security Council delegates — Angola, Cameroon, Chile, Bulgaria and Guinea — in order to blackmail the “smaller swing nations” into voting for the U.N. mandate for war.

“这只是爆炸性的。我看到了电子邮件和思想,Bam,他们躺着,“枪在四月访问旧金山的访问期间,当”官方秘密“是Sffilm Festival的结束夜幕电影。


Soft-spoken and matter-of-fact as she reflects back on her decision to be guided by conscience 16 years ago, Gun said she knew that disclosing the memo would be a violation of Britain’s Official Secrets Act (thus the film’s title), but she was overwhelmed by “the diplomatic charade, the lies,” and, most of all, about the risk the war posed to thousands of Iraqis. “I just felt like all these people (in Iraq) were in imminent danger. That’s precisely why I did what I did.”


“官方秘密”manages to be both a gripping legal thriller (Ralph Fiennes plays her attorney Ben Emmerson), as well as a newsroom drama and a very personal, domestic story about what it’s like for a principled introvert like Gun to face enormous risk and exposure to do what she knows is the right thing. “I couldn’t live with the lie,” said Gun.



Keira Knightley作为Katharine枪在“官方秘密”中。照片:尼克墙/ IFC电影/ TNS

Unlike most big-name whistle-blowers people assume have a degree of political sophistication and tech savvy (Edward Snowden or Chelsea Manning), when Gun brought the classified government email home to figure out what to do next, she didn’t even own a laptop. That is, until one of the most famous whistle-blowers of all time, Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971, gave her one.







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