‘Real World: San Francisco’ star Pedro Zamora gets the spotlight in new film at DocFest

艾滋病毒阳性和艾滋病活动家的“现实世界:旧金山”演员佩德罗·扎莫拉(Pedro Zamora)的影响是纪录片“保持摄像头滚动:佩德罗·扎莫拉(Pedro Zamora Way)”的重点。照片:摘自Judd Winick的个人收藏

旧金山内科医生Pam和导演会liam T. Horner described Pedro Zamora the same way in recent interviews with The Chronicle: trapped in amber, forever 22 years old.

The subject of Horner and Stacey Woelfel’s documentary “Keep the Cameras Rolling: The Pedro Zamora Way” — making its local premiere Saturday, June 4, at the Roxie Theater as part of the San Francisco Documentary Film Festival — Zamora was a charming, HIV-positive Cuban immigrant and AIDS activist who shot to fame 28 years ago on the pioneering MTV reality TV series “The Real World: San Francisco.”

在演出中,扎莫拉与他的室友结束了,包括Ling和她的丈夫,漫画家,编剧和漫画家作家Judd Winick;开始与他的搭档肖恩·萨瑟(Sean Sasser)约会,肖恩·萨瑟(Sean Sasser)是电视上的第一个求爱,在“现实世界”之家的承诺仪式上达到了最终。他的健康恶化了。

In a period when AIDS treatments were few, Zamora’s decline was brutally fast. He died Nov. 11, 1994, hours after the final episode of “The Real World: San Francisco” aired.

威廉·T·霍纳(William T. Horner),纪录片“保持摄像头滚动:佩德罗·扎莫拉(Pedro Zamora)的故事”的联合主任,6月4日星期六放映,作为旧金山纪录片电影节的一部分。照片:S.F。DOCFEST


“I thought very strongly at the time that (the show) was having a profound influence on public opinion and on people my age and younger, and I always wanted to find a way to explore that,” he said.


纪录片“保持相机滚动:佩德罗·扎莫拉的故事”的纪录片联合导演Stacey Woelfel,6月4日星期六放映,作为S.F.DOCFEST。照片:S.F。DOCFEST

Horner brought the idea of making a documentary to fellow University of Missouri professor Woelfel, the director of the school’s Jonathan B. Murray Center for Documentary Journalism. They recruited 10 students with double majors in political science and journalism to fill out the crew, with the professors acting as producers. Horner and Woelfel took over as directors when the pandemic delayed completing the project and their students graduated.

一开始,霍纳(Horner)和沃尔弗尔(Woelfel)有一个重要的联系:纪录片新闻学院的大学校友乔纳森·默里(Jonathan Murray)以“现实世界”的创造者的名字命名,并被广泛认为是真人秀电视的父亲。

“Keep the Cameras Rolling” blends scenes from “The Real World: San Francisco” and archival footage of Zamora’s activism, with current interviews with Murray; Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; President Bill Clinton; Zamora’s sister, Mily Zamora; and several of Zamora’s “Real World” castmates, including Ling, Winick and current Fox news personality Rachel Campos-Duffy.

旧金山医生和“现实世界:旧金山”的校友Pam Ling在纪录片“保持相机滚动:Pedro Zamora的故事”,6月4日星期六放映,作为S.F.DOCFEST。照片:S.F。DOCFEST


“During the interview process, they asked, ‘How would you respond if you found out one of your roommates was HIV-positive?’ ” Ling recalled. “That’s when it signaled to me that this show might be something more than just having a good time and living on camera.”


“Later, I did a book about him (‘Pedro and Me’), and it actually taught me how to be a storyteller. It was the first real story I ever told. I felt a responsibility to try to keep his story going,” he added. “Let me make a 240-page comic book about Pedro. And after that, I realized, ‘Oh, you know what? This is how I tell stories. This is who I am, and I owe that to him.’ ”

漫画家,编剧,漫画艺术家和“现实世界:旧金山”校友贾德·温德克(Judd Winick)在纪录片“保持相机滚动:佩德罗·扎莫拉的故事”中。照片:S.F。DOCFEST



Winick, Ling and Sasser were with Zamora and his family when he died. Ling did an HIV/AIDS research fellowship as part of her residency at UCSF. Winick kept his promise to Zamora to continue his friend’s AIDS educational efforts. A photo of Zamora decorates the couple’s Noe Valley home, and they have told their children all about their friend. His is a loss they still feel deeply.

Pam Ling(左),Judd Winick和Pedro Zamora参加了1994年的艾滋病集会。照片:摘自Judd Winick的个人收藏

“I’d give just about everything to be doing an interview with you about something Pedro was doing, a documentary done about him, and (talk about how) we’re going to go to the premiere together in a couple of weeks or something with him and his partner and his kids,” Winick said.



When:Wednesday, June 1, through June 12.

门票:$15 for live screenings; $10 for streaming.

在哪里:Roxie Theater, 3117 16th St., S.F.; streaming athttps://watch.eventive.org/sfdocfest2022

开幕之夜电影:“Ricochet,” 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 1.

开幕之夜电影:“Eternal Spring,” 8:45 p.m. Wednesday, June 1.

Real World: San Francisco:“保持相机滚动:佩德罗·扎莫拉的故事”,下午6:306月4日星期六

Bay Area Hip-Hop:“我们是世俗,”晚上8:456月4日,星期六。

Bay Area Stories and Storytellers:“Jack Has a Plan,” 4:15 p.m. Sunday, June 5.

Bay Area Stories and Storytellers:“Born in Chicago,” 8:45 p.m. Sunday, June 5.

“Keep the Cameras Rolling: The Pedro Zamora Story”is available to stream starting Wednesday, June 1. Through June 12. In-person screening 6:30 p.m. Saturday, June 4, at the Roxie Theater, 3117 16th St., S.F. with Winick and Ling in attendance.https://sfdocfest2022.eventive.org/welcome

  • 帕姆·格雷迪
    帕姆·格雷迪帕姆·格雷迪(Pam Grady)是湾区自由作家