Review: A grungy love story, set in Russia, arrives at the wrong time

Seidi Haarla as Laura in “Compartment No. 6.”Photo: Sami Kuokkanen/Aamu Film Company

Timing has not been kind to “Compartment No. 6.”

Having enjoyed solid receptions at film festivals in 2021, this engaging if predictable film about mismatched travel mates on a Russian train was Finland’s selection for international feature Oscar contention. The omicron surge delayed U.S. release plans; then the movie failed to make the academy’s final, commercially crucial nomination cut.

Now, Juho Kuosmanen’s gruff but sweet movie, about a young Finnish academic and an oafish Russian dude learning to like each other, arrives in theaters at a time when liking Russians probably isn’t at the top of many Americans’ (or NATO-curious Finns’, for that matter) list of entertaining ideas. On the other hand, the world knows that many Russians deplore their country’s invasion of Ukraine, so maybe a film that shows some of the people’s vulnerable, benign sides is good to have around.

That its premise is a fundamentally corny one we’ve seen a million times before is a separate matter, but filmmaker Kuosmanen (“The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Maki”) and his two lead actors camouflage that well in naturalistic behavior and psychological depth.

Seidi Haarla’s Laura is a Finnish student gone gaga over the intellectual ferment she finds in her professor/lover Irina’s (Dinara Drukarova) Moscow circle; the movie starts with Laura entering a party at Irina’s where Roxy Music’s “Love Is the Drug” is blasting. Haarla subtly registers Laura’s sense that she’s not quite on par with the great minds there. Later, with more moping, she expresses disappointment that Irina suddenly has “professional” reasons for pulling out of their planned trip to far northern Murmansk to look at 10,000-year-old petroglyphs.

Seidi Haarla as Laura and Yuriy Borisov as Ljoha in “Compartment No. 6.”Photo: Sami Kuokkanen/Aamu Film Company

劳拉会在火车上,她停留的地方in the cramped title cabin with Ljoha (“Kalashnikov’s” Yuriy Borisov), a buzz-cut mine worker who travels with his own collapsible vodka-drinking cup. Among other stereotypes, he’s patriotic, loves snow, is often too friendly and is moody when he’s not. When he asks Laura how to say “I love you” in her language, she instead tells the lout how to do the physical act of love to himself in Finnish.

On the crude side, Ljoha is curious if this stuck-up foreigner might be a prostitute. But he’s a softy too, sentimental about a nurturing babushka (Lidia Kostina, wonderful in her few scenes) that he cajoles Laura into visiting with him during an overnight stop.

The opposites inevitably warm, perhaps even attract. Like a lot of this movie, which was loosely adapted from a novel by Rosa Liksom, many of Laura and Ljoha’s feelings are ambiguous or transitory. More obvious emotions just need a little nudge to break the shells of sorrow or machismo built around them. Perhaps the key barrier that comes down is not one of language or class, but education. This is a fine movie about an intelligent person being dumb about herself, but it has no delusions that working-class street smarts make life any more satisfying for Ljoha, either.

Again, though well-finessed, nothing new.

The drama “Compartment No. 6” is landing at an inopportune moment.Photo: Sami Kuokkanen/Aamu Film Company

Don’t expect pretty. The train, the towns, even the snow-blasted Arctic Ocean coast are all presented with maximum grunge. The main setting has built-in claustrophobia, and Kuosmanen is good at exploiting the entrapment and intimacy that it can represent. The sense that not just cold, crappy scenery but life is passing the passengers by is evoked without too much leaning on the metaphor.

Still, the gritty humanism of “Compartment No. 6” must have felt better a month or longer ago. At one point, when Ljoha tries to comfort Laura after she’s suffered another thoughtless cruelty at the hands of a fellow traveler, he growls, “All humans should be killed.”

It’s hard to tell whether the actress laughs or sobs in response. There will be no such ambiguity among viewers now.

L“Compartment No. 6”:Drama. Starring Seidi Haarla and Yuriy Borisov. Directed by Juho Kuosmanen. (R. 107 minute.) In Russian and Finnish with English subtitles. Starts Friday, March 11, at AMC Kabuki, S.F.; Albany Twin, Albany and Smith Rafael Film Center, San Rafael.

  • Bob Strauss
    Bob StraussBob Strauss is a Los Angeles freelance journalist who has covered movies, television and the business of Hollywood for more than three decades.