Review: Billy Crystal is the best he’s ever been in ‘Standing Up, Falling Down’

Ben Schwartz (left) and Billy Crystal star in “Standing Up, Falling Down.”Photo: San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

“Standing Up, Falling Down” is a small, independent comedy-drama that does a number of things very well. It does them all quietly. The scenes don’t swing for the fences. The emotional work is true, not pushed, and by the end, the movie ends up giving the sense of a world.

It’s the first feature film from director Matt Ratner, who must really be good with actors, because everyone is strong in this. In even the small roles, the actors know who they are, what they’re doing and why. This gives a sense of texture, of histories that are implicit, mutual affections that are understood and don’t need to be spoken. Most notably,Billy Crystal has never been better.

坦率地说,很难想象如何初次director, working on a no-budget feature, could hope to direct alongtime star like Crystal. Maybe Ratner and Crystal just shared a vision of the character. In any case, Crystal tones it down and adopts a light touch in a role that could have been phenomenally maudlin.

“Standing Up, Falling Down” is the story of Scott (Ben Schwartz), a 34-year-old man who goes back to Long Island to live with his parents, after failing to become a stand-up comedian in Los Angeles. In this way, he’s like the “old friend” in the Billy Joel song “My Life,” only here you get the rest of the story: He gives them the stand-up routine in L.A. but bombs and has to come home.

Like a lot of independent movies over the past 50 years, “Standing Up, Falling Down” is about the importance of finding a spiritually satisfying life and career. But this movie hints, just hints, at something else, that finding something fulfilling is especially difficult in an economic environment in which simply surviving is a challenge.

For example, Scott’s witty and intelligent sister (Grace Gummer) is also living at home, working in a low-paying job, and she looks to be around 30. So just hovering around the corners of this movie is the idea that, in the current economy, personal satisfaction might be a luxury that few can afford.

Peter Hoare’s screenplay accomplishes the difficult task of making interesting a protagonist who really doesn’t know what he’s doing. He had a professional goal, but he gives it up as the movie starts, and from then on, he’s at sea. Perhaps what keeps Scott interesting is that we always know, partly through the script and largely through Ben Schwartz’s performance, that Scott is involved in a positive struggle. It’s to get out of the life trap that he’s stuck in.

Meanwhile, he develops an unlikely but believable friendship with a dermatologist (Billy Crystal), who is even worse than he is — an alcoholic, twice widowed, staring down the barrel of old age and with two grown kids who hate his guts. Imagine how an actor with Crystal’s capacity for self-pity might play that role. And then be assured that he doesn’t do it that way. He’s funny. He’s gentle. He listens to the other actors, and he becomes the one that we most look forward to seeing.

The women, though in smaller roles, fare well. Gummer has perhaps 15 or 20 lines in the whole movie, but one gets the sense of a full and rounded performance. Eloise Mumford suggests, as Becky, the woman Scott left behind, a jumble of confusion and suppressed emotion. Even Caitlin McGee, in her one sequence as the dermatologist’s daughter, gives the sense of a full person.

In this way, “Standing Up, Falling Down” makes clear that Matt Ratner can make movies. Here’s hoping he gets to make more of them.

M“Standing Up, Falling Down”:Comedy-drama. Starring Ben Schwartz and Billy Crystal. Directed by Matt Ratner.Theaters and Showtimes(Not rated. 91 minutes.)

  • Mick LaSalle
    Mick LaSalleMick LaSalle is The San Francisco Chronicle's film critic. Email: Twitter: @MickLaSalle