
澳大利亚女演员Geraldine Viswanathan在浪漫喜剧“破碎的心画廊”中行动。图片:George Kraychyk /索尼/三星影业


“Gossip Girl” alum Natalie Krinsky’s feature writing-directing debut, backed by executive producer Selena Gomez, has a darling premise — woman who hoards junk that belonged to her exes opens a DIY New York gallery where others can display their souvenirs of lost loves — and an adorable leading lady in Geraldine Viswanathan, the Australian actress who has been going from one strong performance to another lately in 2018’s “Blockers,” Apple TV Plus’ “Hala” and HBO’s “Bad Education.”



Phillipa Soo(左),Geraldine Viswanathan和Molly Gordon在Hearts画廊。”图片:George Kraychyk /索尼/三星影业


露西首先与她不可避免的心动修理工尼克(Dacre Montgomery的“陌生人的东西,”表现更好)是一个很好的例子。喝醉了,拥有“我生命中最糟糕的夜晚”,只倾听自己,她的车误认为是一个优步,而且懊恼,但是绅士,无论如何,尼克驾驶她家。

杰拉尔丁·维斯瓦纳坦(左)和戴克·蒙哥马利在“破碎的心画廊”闲逛。图片:George Kraychyk /索尼/三星影业

L.ucy’s roommates and best friends since childhood, morbid control freak Amanda (Molly Gordon) and serial Russian model seducer Nadine (Phillipa Soo of “Hamilton”), have the best lines and most intriguing interests (murder-themed karaoke birthday party, anyone?) that a movie about either of those characters might be more fun. But they’re excellent support here, whether making bets on how long Lucy’s latest relationship will last or advising that her weird collection was “sentimental when we were 12; this is full mental.”

无论如何,尼克为他梦寐以求的YMCA陷入了他名叫克洛伊的精品酒店的梦想,尼克已经赚了没钱。But Lucy thinks it’s the perfect place to house her Broken Heart Gallery (why not plural like the film’s title is a mystery) and drums up a little cash for Nick as people make donations when bringing in unopened Champagne bottles and other sad mementos for display (“It has an odor,” one woman says of a cherished leg cast).

Dacre Montgomery和Geraldine Viswanathan在街上闲逛。照片:索尼/三星级图片




L.“破碎的心画廊”:爱情喜剧。主演Geraldine Viswanathan,Dacre Montgomery。由Natalie Krinsky指导。(PG-13. 109分钟。)在9月10日星期四选择剧院,包括西风国会驾驶,圣何塞3630 Hillcap Ave.西风萨克拉门托驾驶,9616奥茨开车,萨克拉门托;世纪纳帕谷,195年瓦萨斯特,纳帕。www.brokenheartsgallery.movi​​e.

  • 鲍勃斯特斯
    鲍勃斯特斯Bob Strauss是一位洛杉矶自由撰稿人,他们拥有覆盖电影,电视和好莱坞业务三十多年来。