


再次指导是Mark Linfield,他在他的腰带下有一些Disneynature电影。他与Vanessa Berlowitz联合在一起,是一系列与“故事”相结合的硕士,其中野生动物甜蜜的动物与人类的情绪甜蜜地拟人,保证了在心灵上的拖船 - 虽然不要太难打扰最小的最小观众。But “Elephant” does have one big difference: Unlike many of its predecessors, it won’t be seen on the big screen and can only be accessed through the Disney Plus streaming service starting Friday, April 3. (It was always intended for home viewing, so this has nothing to do with the coronavirus.)

这是一个耻辱,因为“大象”,伴随着在Kalahari的头衔中缠绕的群体,旋转了Crimson Carmine Bee-Fee-e和Baobab树的群,通常是视觉盛宴。“狮王”-Style ramin djawadi的史诗评分的凯旋主义也乞求在一个大声系统上听到。


We’re introduced to Gaia (the 50-year-old matriarch of the clan), her daughter, Shani (next in line for the “throne”), and her rambunctious young grandson, Jomo, the one with whom kids will most identify. It’s up to Gaia to lead the group through desert, salt flats, croc-infested rivers, and lion-inhabited savanna to get to their destination. By the end, you’ll be enthralled by the elephants’ intelligence (apparently, it’s true that they never forget) and dedication to family and friendship. When they greet long-unseen kin at a watering hole by nuzzling trunk to trunk, it comes across as an almost radical act of affection in this age of social distancing.

“大象”是由Meghan Markle叙述的 - 这在这里被称为Meghan,Sussex公爵夫人反过来成为她的第一个后皇室工作,她取决于任务。(Disneynature总是得到了值得注意的叙述者。2007电影“地球”有詹姆斯伯爵琼斯和Patrick Stewart,而“猴王王国”特色Tina Fey。)

What’s odd about “Elephant” is that, while it’s noted that this is one of the last herds making this trek and how in tune these animals’ rhythms are with the arrival and departure of the rains, there’s no mention of what are presumably their biggest threats: poachers, hunters and desertification spurred by climate change. Gaia and Shani may be able to hold their own against a pride of lions, but they’re probably no match for the world of humans.

周五登陆迪士尼Plus的还有《大象的足迹》(In the Footsteps of Elephants)的幕后故事、自然纪录片《海豚礁》(Dolphin Reef,由娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)配音)和去年上映的《企鹅》(Penguins)。

m“大象”:自然纪录片。由Meghan Markle(Meghan,Sussex公爵夫人)叙述。由Mark Linfield和Vanessa Berlowitz指导。(G. 86分钟。在迪士尼加上的流媒体,4月3日星期五开始

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