
Louise Hastings博士(六月赛跑者)和维多利亚赫尔斯特罗姆(伊丽莎白·帕斯堡)在“Helstrom”的精神病院里,在Hulu流媒体。照片:Katie Yu / Hulu



A reworking of Marvel Comics’ 1970s antihero Son of Satan and his succubus sister Satana, the TV version created by Paul Zbyszewski (“Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”) imagines Daimon and Ana Helstrom as the contentious children of a serial killer who was also a big-time demon and a possessed, institutionalized mother.

维多利亚赫尔斯特罗姆(伊丽莎白Marvel)和幼儿ANA(Erica Tremblay)在Hulu的“Helstrom”。照片:Katie Yu / Hulu

当他们是孩子时,ANA(作为悉尼莱姆斯的成年人扮演的人)被父亲在爸爸上拍摄了父亲父亲的穆斯特狂欢的公路旅行,而Daimon(Tom Austen,“皇家队”)住在妈妈维多利亚(伊丽莎白奇怪的“家园”和“House of Cards”) until she was carted off to St. Teresa’s Catholic mental hospital, a kind of Gothic fortress with a dungeon for the hopelessly possessed, in Portland, Ore.


ANA HELSTROM(悉尼Lemmon)和Daimon Helstrom(汤姆奥斯汀)是“赫斯特罗姆”的连环杀手的孩子。照片:Katie Yu / Hulu


在他们身边(但他们真的是什么?)是Louise Hastings博士(六月曾经是“Mindhunter”),这是一个奔跑的圣特雷萨的前尼姑;Gabriella Rosetti(Ariana Guerra,“五英尺分开”),梵蒂冈已经派出协助和报告回罗马;看护人(罗伯特智慧,“电线”),为恶魔遏制服装工作,叫做甚至比教堂年长的血液;克里斯日(Alain UY,“真正的侦探”),Ana的古物和辩护的伴侣覆盖物;和一些古老的头骨,但仍然是嗜血,一个眼睛的东西。

Chris Yen(Alain UY)和Ana Helstrom(悉尼Lemmon)是“赫斯特罗姆”交易古物交易的合作伙伴。照片:Bettina Strauss / Hulu

在所有的角色中,ANA被lemmon发挥着最有趣的(是的,她是杰克莱姆蒙的孙女)。Strikingly lanky with a Louise Brooks bob, the omnisexual manipulator has the tart tongue of a 1930s movie dame, with a cynical attitude toward everything and everyone, and just may get off on the killing impulse imprinted by her father — though that’s the last thing she wants to admit.


事实上,发生了什么事?Well, not much you haven’t seen in other horror series such as “Supernatural,” “Grimm” and … I’d say “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” but the closest gloomy “Helstrom” comes to even attempting humor is Daimon blurting out “Love me some San Francisco. Mmm mmm, foodie heaven!”

在流媒体系列上有比您在广播网络上看到的更多的图形戈尔,但它很少有想象力或者是什么,“Lovecraft国家”可以重新发明吱吱作响的类型介绍。在Mike Flanagan的“Haunting Hill House”和“Bly Manor”Netflix演出中,尚未有很多证据。到目前为止,“Helstrom”中最可怕的场景是当Ana通过一个拥挤的舞蹈俱乐部触摸每个人,但这是因为它在这个Covid时代期间看起来如此不安全,而不是它被邪恶的光彩构思。

精神病院患者维多利亚赫尔斯特罗姆(伊丽莎白奇迹)在“赫斯特罗姆”。照片:Katie Yu / Hulu

There is one glimmer of a good omen, though, in this litany of every possession trope the demon-haunted world has ever known: In the comics, Daimon joined the Defenders, which is the hero group of Marvel’s late, lamented Netflix series of the same name. If “Helstrom” is an indication that the likes of Daredevil and Jessica Jones may be resurrected on Disney-run Hulu, it’s worth enduring all the show’s dark and stormy nights.

L.“赫斯特罗姆”:恐怖系列。主演汤姆奥斯汀,悉尼lemmon,阿里安娜·格拉拉和伊丽莎白奇迹。由Paul Zbyszewski创建。(电视机)所有10个剧集可用于从10月16日星期五开始的流。葫芦

  • 鲍勃斯特斯
    鲍勃斯特斯Bob Strauss是一位洛杉矶自由撰稿人,他们拥有覆盖电影,电视和好莱坞业务三十多年来。