“Mogul Mowgli”从一阵精力开始riz ahmed.- 谁在他的蓬勃发展,真实的音乐职业中的蒙诗里兹MC - 将舞台作为说唱艺术家扎德,在热情的纽约人群面前吐出尖锐的押韵。
That jangling drive never lets up in this resonant drama, partially financed by SFFilm Invest and co-executive-produced by San Francisco resident Nion McEvoy, that transforms from a portrait of one man’s outsize ambition into something else entirely, a sometimes surreal story of family and identity.
良好的30多岁,Zed仍在寻找那个大休息,这是一个不仅让他成为明星,还要确保他的遗产。他的抱负在侵略中表现出来,当他在舞台上时,它是磁性的,但当他唠叨他的经理vaseem(anjana vasan),关于创造机会或制作他的女朋友,Bina(Aiysha Hart),才能获得第二名。
洗衣机,仍然在其坐在家庭厨房的盒子里,是扎德在回家的第一件事之一,象征着他和他的巴基斯坦移民母亲和父亲之间的海湾。他把礼物送到了成功的象征,他们无法理解。他的妈妈(Sudha Bhuchar)解释说,她已经拥有一个工作的家电,而他爸爸(Alyy Khan),如果有人会记住开幕法案,请询问他的儿子迎接Zed的大消息。
ZED回忆起足够的Urdu在家里得到,但在他和父亲出席清真寺时,几乎可以记住仪式。他的堂兄(Hussain Manawer)劝告他从扎赫到扎德的名字,他认为是一种否认他的巴基斯坦根源。
距离温布利几乎没有回来,zed正在偏离之前的日子 - 然后是他的腿僵硬,伴随着狂野的愿景。当他觉得他的梦想滑落时,他推回来,但虽然医生可能能够解决血型的身体问题,但他的灵魂中有一个更大的疾病。
这一部分“Mogul Mowgli”是它的最强,因为塔德拉姆塔里克的导演在Zed的现实之间毫不费力地滑动,他的思想在他身上扮演他。Career anxiety is part of it, but more deeply Zed is reaching a reckoning with his rocky relationship with his father — whom he resents as much for the older man’s own, smaller ambitions as for his seeming dismissal of his son’s art — and with his own perception of self, culturally adrift and unable to separate what he wants to attain from who he is.
就像在那样“金属的声音,”艾哈迈德的电影今年收到了最佳演员奥斯卡提名,因为他作为突然聋哑人的角色,“Mogul Mowgli”的故事围绕着健康危机。但是在那里相同的结局。The British-born Ahmed and Queens, N.Y., native Tariq developed the project over a number of years, co-writing the screenplay together and including three of Ahmed’s songs on the film’s vivid soundtrack, seeking to speak to their experiences as children of Pakistani immigrants.
m“mogul mowgli”:戏剧。Staring Riz Ahmed,Alyy Khan和Sudha Bhuchar。由Bassam Tariq指示。(未评级,89分钟)在海湾地区剧院开始于9月3日星期五。