评论:在特伦斯·戴维斯(Terence Davies)的“祝福”中,现实生活中的诗人无法从战争的痛苦中康复

杰克·洛登(Jack Lowden)(右)与杰里米·欧文(Jeremy Irvine)一起扮演诗人西格弗里德·沙通(Siegfried Sassoon),在《祝福》中受到战争恐怖的折磨。照片:路边景点

关于“祝福”的最好的事情是最难描述的 - 它的气氛。甚至在这里“气氛”一词不足,因为它似乎是指电影的外观,当我们真的在谈论导演如何特伦斯·戴维斯(Terence Davies)’声音和视觉中的选择构建情绪化气氛。

戴维斯(Davies)在“祝福”世界中创造了一个活着的记忆的世界,在这个世界中,过去是与主角英国诗人西格弗里德·萨桑(Siegfried Sassoon)一起行走的存在。当他仍然是一个由杰克·洛登(Jack Lowden)扮演的年轻人时,他有一些希望,他在第一次世界大战中目睹的恐怖可能会被超越,或者一段时间被忽略。

But in his older incarnation, as played by Peter Capaldi, it’s as if he is standing still and the past is running loops around him. In one scene, he sits in a Catholic church, while Vaughn Monroe’s 1949 recording of “Riders in the Sky” plays on the soundtrack, as images of a cattle run are intercut with scenes from the war.



凯特·菲利普斯(Kate Phillips)和杰克·洛登(Jack Lowden)在《祝福》中。照片:路边景点

在沙通(Sassoon),戴维斯(Davies)找到了一个有趣的故事。在第一次世界大战期间,萨桑(Sassoon)经历了战es的恐怖,因此决定正式和公开抗议这场战争。政府不想射击一位著名的诗人逃离,他裁定他遇到疲劳并将他放在军事医院。在那里,他遇到并指导了诗人威尔弗里德·欧文(Wilfrid Owen),无论他们是否有身体上的关系,他与他之间的浪漫联系很强。


沙逊的生活是改变人生的磨难war. The half century that followed was about his coming to terms with what he’d experienced. That Davies could make a compelling 137-minute drama out of Sassoon’s rather scattered search for meaning — through sex, through marriage and family, through religion — is a testament to his skill as a dramatist. He is never boring.

Davies plays fast and loose with some of the chronology: He extends Sassoon’s friendship with art critic Robbie Ross (Simon Russell Beale) into the 1920s, something Ross would have appreciated, as he died in 1918. He extends Sassoon’s marriage to Hester Gatty into the 1950s, though they separated in 1945. In the movie’s most inexplicable touch, he casts 70-year-old Anton Lesser to play Sassoon’s former lover Stephen Tennant, at a point in time at which Tennant was about 45 years old.


n“祝福”:戏剧。由杰克·洛登(Jack Lowden)和彼得·卡帕尔迪(Peter Capaldi)主演。由特伦斯·戴维斯(Terence Davies)执导。(PG-13。137分钟。)6月3日,星期五,在剧院。

  • 米克·拉萨尔(Mick LaSalle)
    米克·拉萨尔(Mick LaSalle)米克·拉萨尔(Mick Lasalle)是旧金山纪事的电影评论家。电子邮件:mlasalle@sfchronicle.com Twitter:@micklasalle