Review: Netflix’s ‘Vikings’ sequel plunders history for compelling narrative

Sam Corlett as Leif Eriksson in “Vikings: Valhalla.”Photo: Bernard Walsh / Netflix

The Vikings were around for a long, long time.

So it should be no surprise that after “Vikings” dominated the History Channel for six seasons, the action-packed, intrigue-laden and historically dubious series is now seeing a sequel, titled “Vikings: Valhalla,” land on Netflix on Friday, Feb. 25.

If anything, “Valhalla’s” eight-episode first season improves on the original show — as it should, since it takes place in more interesting times. Set just after the first millennium, about a century later than the previous series, “Valhalla” features an array of folks who will go on to explore America, become a saint or father the last Saxon king of England (all, with luck, in future episodes).

这些人肯定是not accomplish those things as depicted here; some never even met. But new showrunner Jeb Stuart, who worked on some of the better action screenplays from a generation ago (“Die Hard,” “The Fugitive”), has enormous fun playing with the facts, even when he seems irresponsible. How, a few medieval scholars may ask, could Stuart have left out Sweyn Forkbeard? Oh wait, here comes the cranky old Danish monarch — just after historical records say he died.

As that role’s enjoyably intimidating Soren Pilmark indicates, Stuart has a great eye for casting. “Valhalla’s” three heroic leads are attractive as ice nymphs, of course, but also possess enough acting chops to express how the era’s political and spiritual conflicts affect individuals.

Frida Gustavsson as Freydis in “Vikings: Valhalla.”Photo: Bernard Walsh / Netflix

Shortly after the 1002 St. Brice’s Day Massacre, in which nervous Saxons tried to rid England of Norse settlers, young Leif Eriksson (Sam Corlett) and his sister Freydis Eriksdotter (Frida Gustavsson) cross stormy seas from Greenland to the fictitious Norwegian port of Kattegat, home of the original series’ Vikings.

Corlett’s Leif is a bumpkin with daddy issues, more a man of quiet competence than the golden-tongued English or fire-breathing Norse orators he’ll encounter; in other words, the American characteristics he’ll later bring to the New World. Passionate Odin-worshiper Freydis has a cross-shaped scar on her back and a vendetta to go with it. They both immediately take a shine to charismatic, man-bun-sporting Harald Sigurdsson (Leo Suter), a future king of Norway and nominal Christian. Like some other Viking leaders, he wants to quell the animosity between Catholics and pagans so a united Norse strike force can wreak vengeance on Britain.

That works well enough for Denmark’s King Canute (Bradley Freegard) to march on London, but things get more complicated from there. Schemes and double crosses abound, and the large, capable supporting cast has a field day manipulating and murdering.

Bradley Freegard as Canute in “Vikings: Valhalla.”Photo: Bernard Walsh / Netflix

Viewers will choose their favorite characters, but special mention seems in order for Freegard’s Canute, a master strategist who’s only human; Laura Berlin’s Emma of Normandy, the consort and mother of multiple kings — and a cooler customer than any man she meets; Jarl Haakon (Caroline Henderson), the wise, part-African ruler of cosmopolitan Kattegat; and the terrifying fanatic Jarl Kåre (Asbjørn Krogh Nissen), leader of a Christian berserker horde out to kill every Scandinavian who doesn’t convert.

Stuart isn’t entirely against the monotheistic Vikings; the early inklings of Leif’s eventual coming-to-Jesus moment are sincere and moving. Amid all its longboat rowing, battle-ax waving, cascading hair and fabulous (hopefully faux) furs, the series presents the whiplash upheavals and morphing alliances of the era with clean clarity. Action sequences are brawny enough for a less-than-“Game of Thrones”-budgeted show, equal parts awesome and bone-crackingly intimate, if too often jerkily step-printed.

The series even takes time to suggest where the London Bridge nursery rhyme came from. It’s probably not true, like a lot of “Vikings: Valhalla.” But the saga’s connections to epochal events and people are so fascinating and cleverly worked, it’ll be extra rewarding to watch it with your Wikipedia open.

M“Vikings: Valhalla”:Historical fiction series. Starring Sam Corlett, Frida Gustavsson and Leo Suter. Executive-produced by Jeb Stuart. (TV-MA. Eight hour-long episodes.) Available to stream on Netflix starting Friday, Feb. 25.

  • Bob Strauss
    Bob StraussBob Strauss is a Los Angeles freelance journalist who has covered movies, television and the business of Hollywood for more than three decades.