Review: Ron Howard’s ‘Thirteen Lives’ is a suffocating experience — that’s what makes it great

Viggo Mortensen, Joel Edgerton, Tom Bateman, Colin Farrell and Thiraphat “Tui” Sajakul portray cave divers in “Thirteen Lives.”Photo: Vince Valitutti / Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures

Do you enjoy confined spaces? Does the thought of suffocating not bother you in the slightest? Does the idea of drowning or getting buried alive leave you indifferent? Then you might have what it takes to happily sit through “Thirteen Lives.”

Or maybe it works another way. It’s possible that, for some, a genuine terror of confinement, drowning, suffocating or being buried alive might actuallyenhancetheir experience of “Thirteen Lives.” Either way, this movie is so well made that it’s a challenge to watch, with scene after scene of people swimming through crevices barely wide enough to wiggle through.

It’s based on the real-life incident that took place four years ago in Thailand, in which 12 boys and their soccer coach were trapped in a flooded cave with no way out. As you watch, it’s helpful, for the sake of your nerves, to remember how it all turned out.

If you don’t remember, then it helps to keep in mind that “Thirteen Lives” was directed by Ron Howard, and he doesn’t do depressing. Had the story of “Apollo 13” ended with three astronauts getting lost in space, running out of oxygen and dying, Howard would not have made the movie. He’s an upbeat filmmaker, a trait more likely to garner appreciation than respect, though here he deserves both.

But, wait, is this too much hinting? Well, the incidentwasin all the papers. Then again, some readers might complain if a critic, in the course of reviewing “Lincoln,” spoiled it by alluding to an unfortunate theater incident. The point is that watching “Thirteen Lives” is pure agony, under most reassuring of circumstances. And the dramatic question at its heart is notwhathappens buthowit happens. That makes for a remarkable story.

它始于一个意想不到的暴雨,一种pre-monsoon. After soccer practice one day, the boys run into a cave for fun and frolic, and then the rains come, sudden and torrential, blocking all the exits. One of the smartest aspects of William Nicholson’s screenplay is that, from that point on, we don’t see the kids, not until the rescuers see them. We stay entirely in the minds of the rescuers — the governor, the military leaders, the Navy SEALs and a pair of British volunteers, Rick Stanton (Viggo Mortensen) and John Volanthen (Colin Farrell).

Thira “Aum” Chutikul, Popetorn “Two” Soonthornyanaku, Joel Edgerton, Colin Farrell and Viggo Mortensen in “Thirteen Lives.”Photo: Vince Valitutti / Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures

Stanton and Volanthen are deep cave divers, and they’re skeptical that anyone else will be able to do the necessary diving required for the rescue mission without panicking or cracking up entirely. It doesn’t matter how tough the Thai SEALs are. What’s required is something else. As Volanthen puts it, “you have to be a bit nuts” just to be able to stand it.

How nuts? “Thirteen Lives” shows them swimming for hours, mostly underwater, in darkness, under mountains of rock. If their oxygen tank springs a leak — not unlikely, with all the jagged edges — it’s over. Not only that, but they can’t panic, because if they do, they’ll use more oxygen and run out of air. To watch them, even from the safety of one’s home, is stressful and claustrophobic. We can only imagine what the actual experience was like.

Mortensen and Farrell — as well as Joel Edgerton as Dr. Harry Harris, who joins their team midway — play the men with an arresting simplicity, not the simplicity of simpletons, but with a certain innocence. They see a problem and try to solve it. They see people in trouble and try to help them. There’s no interesting neurosis getting in their way. They’re all about applying their skills for the maximum good.

“Thirteen Lives” deserves to be seen. The only question is whether audiences will be up for it. I saw it on a huge screen and had to occasionally remind myself that if it got really overwhelming, I could always close my eyes. It’s that intense. But more likely than not, you’ll be seeing it on Prime Video, and that should be a lot easier.

M“Thirteen Lives”:Drama. Starring Colin Farrell, Viggo Mortensen and Joel Edgerton. Directed by Ron Howard. (PG-13. 147 minutes.) Available to stream on Prime Video starting Friday, Aug. 5.

  • Mick LaSalle
    Mick LaSalleMick LaSalle is The San Francisco Chronicle's film critic. Email: Twitter: @MickLaSalle