Review: ‘Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber’ is the tech bro of anthology series

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Travis Kalanick in “Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber.”照片:伊丽莎白·莫里斯/好戏上演

It should be clear that a film or TV series needn’t focus on a person with redeeming social qualities, especially in this late stage of antihero programming. After all, Tony Soprano never won any citizenship awards. But if you don’t have any heft, or at least a touch of critical distance in the story, you run the risk of it taking on the personality of your subject. That can be a problem, especially if the show’s focal point is a shallow, ostentatious lout.

Such is the malady of “Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber,” the new Showtime saga about Uber co-founder and Silicon Valley bad boy Travis Kalanick (Joseph Gordon-Levitt). Loud, flashy and garish, “Super Pumped” — an anthology series that focuses on a different business disrupter each season (Facebook is set to pick up the torch for season two) — is the TV equivalent of a tech bro. Watching it is like attending a business meeting that refuses to end, attended by self-styled junior masters of the universe who won’t shut up.

San Franciscans should have some familiarity with Kalanick, who founded Uber in the city with Garrett Camp in 2009. San Francisco was his laboratory, the place where he celebrated his lucrative triumphs and made his considerable mistakes. “Super Pumped” loads up on establishing shots of downtown, the Golden Gate Bridge and other touristy sites to remind us where we are. This is San Francisco as a rich kid’s playground, the city that workaday natives have an increasingly hard time affording.

Kyle Chandler as Bill Gurley (left) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Travis Kalanick in “Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber.”照片:伊丽莎白·莫里斯/好戏上演

Being as it is about cool tech kids, “Super Pumped” splashes video game graphics on the screen to help explain plot developments. Quentin Tarantino provides sporadic and over-caffeinated voice-over narration. The pop soundtrack is laid on thick with well-chosen period cuts (hello, Pearl Jam). If “Super Pumped” were a facial expression, it would be a smirk.

Gordon-Levitt is youthful and likable, qualities that cut both ways here. He has the requisite energy for the former tech CEO’s go-go approach, and the charisma to make his bolder gambits believable. But his persona as an actor is one of inherent decency, a quality that seems out of place in this milieu and with this character. Gordon-Levitt shares a number of scenes with Kyle Chandler, who plays Uber investor Bill Gurley, and the two create a dynamic of disbelieving father and petulant son.

The creators of “The Battle for Uber,” which is based on the book by Mike Isaac, are no rookies. Brian Koppelman, David Levien and Beth Schacter share the pedigree of Showtime’s “Billions,” which can claim a seat as one of the best shows in this Golden Age of television. It’s endlessly dynamic, with huge characters, high stakes and tremendous wit — qualities to which “Super Pumped” can only aspire.

To quote Billy Bob Thornton in “Bad Santa,” they can’t all be winners.

Jon Bass as Garrett Camp, Kerry Bishe as Austin and Babak Tafti as Emil in “Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber.”照片:伊丽莎白·莫里斯/好戏上演

In the five episodes made available to critics, “Super Pumped” begins nibbling at the juvenile traits that led to Kalanick’s demise. By then, however, the show has long since adopted its protagonist’s personality. One area that it manages to nail: the startup culture’s toxic environment for women. Whether the tech bros are copping a feel at a company party or harassing a new employee, these guys treat women like they own them, and their boss — that would be Kalanick — responds anemically.

This is the story line to follow as the show moves forward. Unfortunately, “Super Pumped” doesn’t provide much reason to hang in that long.

L“Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber”: Anthology series. Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Kyle Chandler, Uma Thurman, Kerry Bishé, Babak Tafti, Elizabeth Shue, Annie Chang and Noah Weisberg. Created by Brian Koppelman and David Levien. (TV-MA. Seven episodes at approximately 60 minutes each). Premieres 10 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27, on Showtime. Subsequent episodes air Sundays through April 10.

  • Chris Vognar
    Chris Vognar克里斯•Vognar湾区本地人,是一个自由的车手iter based in Houston.