华纳兄弟公司(Warner Bros.)的决定于8月2日星期二宣布,要取消两部主要完成的电影,该电影将在接下来的几个月中 - DC的“ Batgirl”和动画续集“ Scoob!假日困扰” - 正在整个行业发出冲击波。
而且,作为电影迷,The Twist在愤怒之后什么也没有留下。
取消是工作室决定的正确术语。华纳兄弟公司(Warner Bros.该公司根本不以任何形式发布它们,就好像它们被禁止电影一样。您不能也不会看这些电影。
In other words, seeing Disney’s long-suppressed 1946 film “Song of the South,” securely locked away in the Disney vaults because of its racist reputation, would be easier to see than “Batgirl.”
Here’s what we’ll miss in “Batgirl”: a rare superhero film starring a woman — Leslie Grace — and an even rarer superhero film starring a Latina person (Grace, who is ethnically Dominican, is a Latin Grammy Award-nominated singer and one of the stars of“In the Heights”).
最重要的是,为了善意,粉丝们将无法看到迈克尔·基顿(Michael Keaton)自1992年以来首次出现蝙蝠侠!演员阵容还包括J.K.西蒙斯(Simmons)担任戈登(Gordon)专员和布伦丹·弗雷泽(Brendan Fraser),萤火虫(Firefly)。
原因,as reported by Variety,involves the change of leadership at the top of WarnerMedia. David Zaslav has taken over as Warner Bros. Discovery CEO, succeeding Jason Kilar, who generated his own controversy when, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, he decided to release all Warner Bros. films, beginning with“Wonder Woman 1984”and including“The Matrix Resurrections,”上HBO Max和剧院同时。
扎斯拉夫(Zaslav)的哲学是将华纳兄弟(Warner Bros)转移到戏剧优先的模型中,这似乎是一个很好的本能,因为电影观众越来越多地回到剧院。但是“蝙蝠女”的预算为9000万美元,以及4000万美元的“ Scoob!”。一旦增加了戏剧活动的营销成本,就必须在票房上做得很好。
那么,为什么不只是在HBO Max上释放它们呢?因为,作为Zaslav的原因(根据品种),根本不释放它们将使公司可以将其作为税收损失。
I’m sure the 27-year-old Grace — so wonderful, by the way, in “In the Heights” — is comforted by the fact that the role she trained for, gave her all to and had hoped could be an important launching point for her career, will instead help reduce Warner’s tax bill next year.
By the way, the combined $130 million tax write-off is about the same amount of money that Zaslov仅在2018年就付款as CEO of Discovery.
“The decision to not release Batgirl reflects our leadership’s strategic shift as it relates to the DC universe and HBO Max,” Warner Bros. said in a statement. “Leslie Grace is an incredibly talented actor and this decision is not a reflection of her performance. We are incredibly grateful to the filmmakers of ‘Batgirl’ and ‘Scoob! Holiday Haunt’ and their respective casts and we hope to collaborate with everyone again in the near future.”
如果我是演员或导演,我会三思而后行,将来与华纳兄弟合作。我意识到这是一项生意,但是有时要赢得您需要亏损。询问愿意付款的金州勇士所有者乔·拉科布(Joe Lacob)$170 million in luxury taxto go over the NBA’s salary cap and keep together a roster that刚刚赢得了NBA冠军。
Taking care of talent is a huge part of the movie business. “Batgirl” directors Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah have hit it big before with“Bad Boys for Life”and the Disney+ series“小姐。奇迹。”如果您是他们,您想再次与Zaslav合作吗?
It doesn’t sound like it. The directorsposted a statement on Instagramthat said in part, “We are saddened and shocked by the news. We still can’t believe it. As directors it is critical for our work to be shown to audiences. … We wish that fans all over the world would have had the opportunity to see and embrace the final film themselves.”
Grace might become a major star in another project with another studio. If Warner wants to work with her again, do you think she’s going to forget this? She was looking so forward to the film’s release she proudly posted a still on Twitter back in January.
– Batgirl, Year One
pic.twitter.com/gbia5ebcuk- 莱斯利·格雷斯(@lesliegrace)January 15, 2022
周三,这位女演员添加了几条推文,其中包括一条推文:“我为我们在苏格兰的7个月中的7个月内的爱,辛勤工作和意图感到自豪。”她还发推文说:“对于每个蝙蝠女的粉丝来说,谢谢你的爱与信仰,让我扮演斗篷并成为巴布斯最好的,‘我自己的该死的英雄!'batgirl for Life!”
我很幸运能够在绝对的伟大和锻造的关系中工作一生!对于每个Batgirl粉丝 - 感谢您的爱与信仰,让我像Babs最好的那样扮演斗篷并成为“我自己的该死的英雄!”#batgirl一生!pic.twitter.com/4D9ZM87Ytu
- 莱斯利·格雷斯(@lesliegrace)2022年8月4日
TheNew York Post reports那个“蝙蝠女”的测试筛选表现不佳,这是一个促成因素,但是如果好莱坞压抑了所有测试不好的电影,就不足以填补剧院。我不喜欢“Scoob!”but I certainly feel for the sequel’s directors, Bill Haller and Michael Kurinsky, and their talented animation team, whose hard work will now be left in the vault.
I can’t help but feel there is another aspect to all this: misogyny. I say this because there is another troubled DC project, “The Flash,” which stars Ezra Miller, a nonbinary actor who has been arrested twice this year — for assault and disorderly conduct — and has been hit with a restraining order for “inappropriate” behavior against a 12-year-old child.
“蝙蝠女”的架子也提出了新的问题about Warner’s handling of projects important to the Latino community. The studio was already under fire for the perceived botching of the release strategy for “In the Heights.”
我希望在该行业内有强烈抗议,最终Zaslav将被羞辱地发行这两部电影。基顿(Keaton)在“闪光灯”中也出现在蝙蝠侠中,需要大声说出来,其他DC女主人公,神奇女侠(Gal Gadot)也是如此。Simmons和Fraser也应该体重。
When Zaslav took over Warner, he went on a well-publicized “listening tour” to repair the company’s damaged relationship with directors and actors, whose bottom line was affected by the simultaneous theatrical and streaming release strategy.
Gas up the tour bus. It might be time to hit the road again.