看着 - 和演戏 - 电影的刺激给前市长威利棕色最终满意度

前市长Willie Brown(Center)2009年旧金山歌剧院在旧金山歌剧院的歌剧顾客David Laudon(左)和Randy Larouch Mingly。照片:Erin Lubin / Special The Chronicle


“The only thing that rivals the movies for me would be football,” Brown told me. “Baseball, basketball, tennis, golf — I see all of those things. But the movies represent the best for me.”

而且,好的电影爱他。The politician — who served as the city’s mayor from 1996 to 2004, and speaker of the California Assembly from 1980 to 1995 — has appeared, usually as himself, in films such as “The Godfather: Part III” (1990), “George of the Jungle” (1997), “The Wedding Planner” (2001), “The Princess Diaries” (2001) and most recently the“Nash Bridges”电视电影。

Approaching his 88th birthday on Sunday, March 20, Brown doesn’t seem tired of showbiz just yet. To commemorate his milestone day, I talked by phone to Brown in his car traveling back from Sacramento about his lifelong love of film.

旧金山市长Willie Brown在1999年的就职典礼期间在巴黎@圆顶科学展览会上观看了一部3D电影。照片:William Alix / Capited Bound






A:我的一生。即使我住在德克萨斯州Mineola,那就是我来自哪里。在Mineola,您将在星期五和周六,曾经是镍。那是一毛钱,那是一个季度。你看到了Buster Crabbe,以及所有那些他们所做的那些西方人,我每周都这样做了 -every周末。

问:这就是你被作为一个年轻人所吸引的东西 - 像Buster Crabbe和Westerns这样的东西?

A:Yes. “The Lone Ranger” … I can’t remember them now, but I knew the names of all the horses!


A:好吧,开始告诉我t(纪事报》编辑)hat, “All we want you to do is write about what you do, who you are, who you talk to, where you go, etc.” And movies are a big deal for me. They’d ask, “Did you see movies?” Yes, I saw movies. “What did you see?” That’s how I started writing about it.

问:顺便问一下,你知道,当纽约市的ED Koch停止成为市长时,他开始在YouTube上审查电影?

A:No, I didn’t know that.

问:Is this like a mayor thing?

A:Obviously, it’s adisease! They think they’re movie critics.

问:But you’ve actually been电影。


我无法唱歌 - 他们不会让我在Mineola的教堂里唱歌,我只能是一个迎来的。我无法播放任何乐器。但在电影中起作用,这始于高中和大学和大学的戏剧。

When I got to be a legislator, I ended up appointing people to the state Film Commission. In that capacity I met people who were making movies, and with regularity they’d say, “You could do a walk-on.” I became friendly with Joan Collins, with George Hamilton, and I knew Francis (Ford Coppola) really well. I became friendly with Sam Jackson, and they were always trying to drag me in. The guy that在sistedthat I do this was唐约翰逊. He absolutely said, “There’s a role for you.”

Paul Pelosi(左),代表南希·佩洛西,作者Danielle Steele,Mayor Willie Brown,演员唐约翰逊和Kelley Phleger于1998年在旧金山歌剧院见面。Photo: Scotty Morris / Associated Press

问:你在谈论最近的“纳什桥梁”的地方 - 扰流者警报 - 你在大麻店买锅?



A:I was never offered. But I clearly would not participate in any movie that involved any sexual stuff. I would not participate in any movie that killed people. The killing of people in a brutal fashion, I couldn’t pull it off.

问:旧金山有其他市长 - 虽然市长伦敦品种最近是“矩阵:复活”。但我从来没有看到电影中的艺术agnos。


Joe O'Donoghue,Mayor Willie Brown和Terence Hallinan在星级餐厅在旧金山于2000年。照片:Michael Macor / Chronicle

问:I’ve heard about your famous lunches. But who’s your favorite person to go to the movies with?


The one person I went to the movies with, and I only did it one or two times — Herb (Caen) wanted to go to the movies with me. He knew kind of my social schedule, and he’d go to the movie and it was funny, because if he didn’t like the movie, he would leave halfway through the movie! There’s no movie that I paid for that I’m not going to see to the end, even if it’s terrible. I want my money’s worth.

问:But sometimes you’re paying to get tortured. You realize that, right?

A:That’s right. But I’m so eager that if I’m going to criticize it, I want to do it with accuracy!

  • Mick Lasalle.
    Mick Lasalle.Mick Lasalle是旧金山纪事的电影评论家。电子邮件:mlasalle@sfhonelice.com推特:@micklasalle