Vivian Kleiman的纪录片'没有直线'希望给予Queer青年的榜样

电影制片人Vivian Kleiman坐在一堆漫画和其他参考资料中,为她在伯克利的办公室工作。克莱曼的新电影“没有直线:奇迹漫画的崛起,”在6月12日和13日的Tribeca电影节首映,并在6月27日星期日关闭了框架45。照片:Jessica Christian / Chronicle

Hungover和一点睡眠剥夺了,Vivian Kleiman仍在试图处理前一天的快乐。经过近十年的作品,她的纪录片“没有直线:奇怪的漫画的崛起”在Tripeca电影节“在Tribeca电影节”在哈德森上的一个巨型跳线上,旁边是直升机场,拖船和海鸥和无人机嗡嗡作响,“她说。“那种完美的一部关于漫画书的电影。”

这不仅仅是壮观的环境和喧闹的后巴特,让她有点茫然和耀眼。奥克兰电影制片人突然急,陡峭的暴跌越来越茫然地回到了社会“与每个人出来的孤立,压力和损失,”克里姆曼说,当关闭夜晚的“没有直线”屏幕时,谁将在手头of this year’s San Francisco International LGBTQ+ Film Festival, a.k.a. Frameline 45, on Sunday, June 27, at the Castro Theatre.


电影制剂Vivian Kleiman阅读“分裂级别:Dykes”由艾莉森Bechdel,一位艺术家在她的新电影中举起“没有直线:奇怪漫画的崛起”。照片:Jessica Christian / Chronicle

灵感来自Queer Comic艺术家和历史学家贾斯汀大厅的开创性选手同名,“没有直线”作为一个相当传统的历史。但多年来,它进化到了更多类似于交叉代理庆祝活动的东西,并且在许多方面,其纽约首映的过渡时刻与电影的潜在故事回荡。

虽然从20世纪70年代和80年代的凝固艺术家专注于五位 - Alison Bechdel,Howard Cruse,Mary Wings,Jennifer Camper和Rupert Kinnard - Kleiman讲述了一个更广泛而更深的故事,即在所有多种式表现形式中看到一个人的经验。


Vivian Kleiman希望她的新纪录片可以给出Queer青年的榜样仰视。照片:Jessica Christian / Chronicle

Kleiman experienced a cinematic epiphany in 2017 when she set up a white screen at the Queers & Comics Conference in San Francisco, the first West Coast event of its kind, hosted by the California College of the Arts (where Hall, the film’s producer, is a longtime professor in one of the country’s only comic arts programs). The idea was to do short, impromptu interviews with young queer comic artists talking about the importance of queer representation. She had set up the shoot with little time for preparation “and it was one of the most dynamic days of filming I’ve ever done,” Kleiman said.

“Andy Black was the shooter for the entire film, and after that day he said, ‘That was amazing, but I haven’t got a clue how you’re going to incorporate it.’ We played with the footage, and I started thinking of them as my Greek chorus, opening and closing a scene.”

她采访的一位艺术家之一是21岁的Emeric Kennard,这是一个奥克兰的跨国人,在CCA学习大厅和Howard Cruse。在俄勒冈州农村的高中出来后,他来看看通过他的艺术讲述酷儿故事是“不仅仅是关于我处理和看待自己的能力”,“他说。“它可能看起来极端,但它感觉像生死攸关的问题。”

一堆漫画由她的新电影中的各种艺术家撰写,“没有直线:奇怪的漫画的崛起”,坐在电影制片人Vivian Kleiman的办公室。照片:Jessica Christian / Chronicle

Hall, an esteemed comics artist himself, has chronicled the art form’s rise from the margins to the center of American culture since he produced the first panel of queer comics artists at an indie comics convention in San Francisco in 2003 with “Dykes to Watch Out For” cartoonist Alison Bechdel, who went on to write the 2006 best-selling graphic memoir “Fun Home,” which was adapted for 2015’s Tony Award-winning musical.


“没有直线:奇怪的漫画的崛起”是一个档案五个LGBTQ +漫画艺术家的纪录片,其职业从地下场景到时间杂志和国际舞台的封面。照片:Frameline.


But the narrative power of “No Straight Lines” flows from another Bay Area wellspring, namely Kleiman’s collaborations and close friendship with Marlon Riggs, the brilliant gay Black filmmaker responsible for seminal works such as “Ethnic Notions,” “Black Is … Black Ain’t,” and “Tongues Untied,” the latter which sparked a major battle in the culture wars of early ’90s. She was on the shoot with Riggs at Oakland’s Festival by the Lake when he collected the footage of Black men used in the opening sequence of “Tongues Untied,” a film he completed while fighting AIDS (he eventually died of the disease in 1994).





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