
克拉克·盖布尔(Clark Gable)和薇薇安·利(Vivien Leigh)从“狂风消失”的场景中拥抱。Photo: Warner Bros. / 1939

A great film lasts. It doesn’t just remain famous; it remains whole and speaks to us as forcefully as it did in its own time, and often更多的forcefully. These movies of proven lasting power are called classics, and they reveal themselves over years and decades.

But here’s the question: Is it possible to recognize a classic film in its own time? Can we go to the movie theaters right now and determine if “Captain Marvel” fits the bill? Or will the upcoming “Dumbo” remake be appreciated 30, 50, or 100 years into the future?

我认为,如果我们观察到最后的电影的特征 - 倾向 - 倾向:

  1. Topicality。很棒的电影通常是作为主题电影,新闻中的事物或争夺中的社会问题开始的。
  2. Timelessness。出色的电影处理了任何人都可以理解的情感问题和主题,无论他们碰巧生活在哪个时代。
  3. 一个很棒的场景。在一部很棒的电影中,通常至少有一个场景脱颖而出,就像缎面上的马头一样。
  4. 出色的表现。在一部很棒的电影中,通常很难忘记表演。
  5. 总体意识或个性。在一部伟大的电影中,通常会有一个主导性格充当整部电影的一种组织原则。通常,但并非总是如此,导演。
  6. 复杂的饰面。很棒的电影就像很棒的葡萄酒。他们以复杂性结束。

现在从一开始就重要的是要强调:These are only tendencies.我们不是在谈论要求或定义伟大的本质。我们在这里所做的只是注意到一些事情。我们注意到的是,这六个趋势不断出现在最持久的电影中。



奥利维亚·侯赛(Olivia Hussey)和伦纳德·惠廷(Leonard Whiting)在“罗密欧与朱丽叶”中。照片:派拉蒙图片 / 1968


这似乎是违反直觉的,不是吗?涉及主题事件和想法的电影是否不应该像昨天的报纸上几年一样吗?然而,我们可以观察到,当时发生的一些最持久,最有力的电影是关于大事的全部内容:“愤怒的葡萄”,“我们一生中最好的岁月”,“伟大的独裁者”,“罗马,”Open City,” “25th Hour,” “La Dolce Vita,” “A Hard Day’s Night,” “A Raisin in the Sun,” “The Girlfriend Experience,” “Blindspotting.”

Of course, not all topical films are overtly topical. Many comment on the present day by telling a story from another time. “Bonnie and Clyde” (1967), set in the 1930s, expressed the restlessness of the 1960s. Franco Zeffirelli used “Romeo and Juliet” (1968) to comment on the clash between generations. In “Munich,” Steven Spielberg used the story of the 1972 terrorist attack at the Olympics to explore the larger topic of terrorism in the early 21st century. And in last year’s “BlacKkKlansman,” Spike Lee took a story about racism in the 1970s to talk about racism today.

汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)在电影《杰里·马奎尔(Jerry Maguire)》中。照片:Tristar图片 / 1996





星期六在“约翰·特拉沃尔塔和卡伦林恩Gorney Night Fever.”Photo: Paramount Pictures / 1977


您可以在不富裕的电影中拥有一个很棒的场景 - 克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera)在《滑稽表演》(Burlesque)中的第一首歌非常了不起 - 但是很难找到一部没有出色场景的精彩电影。

一个很棒的场景是您想谈论的剧院,即使您知道自己不应该:在“教父”中杀死Sollozzo和McCluskey;乔·佩西(Joe Pesci)问“你认为我很有趣”在“ goodfellas”中;利亚姆·尼森(Liam Neeson)在“拍摄”中的“技能集”演讲;“皇后克里斯蒂娜”中的家具接触序列;希特勒(Hitler)的发脾气(经常被模仿)发脾气;玛丽亚·卡拉斯(Maria Callas)听着《卡拉斯永远》中的旧录音;“ FlashDance”中的最后一个场景;约翰·特拉沃尔塔(John Travolta)接管了“星期六晚上发烧”的舞池;克里斯托夫·华尔兹(Christoph Waltz)在“笨拙的basterds”中审问奶农;“毕业生”中的诱惑场景; the shower scene in “Psycho”; and, of course, “Puttin’ on the Ritz” from “Young Frankenstein.”


有各种各样的表演,但是通常有最好的机会是最好表达表演者个性的表演。That’s why we tend to most fondly remember great actors who are also great personalities — James Stewart, Greta Garbo, Robert Redford, Jane Fonda, Al Pacino, Liv Ullmann, Meryl Streep — than great actors who disappear into their roles — George Arliss, Paul Muni, Tim Roth.

So assuming this trend continues into the future, people of the 22nd century will probably continue to find value in, say, George Clooney’s performance in “Michael Clayton,” while they may be nonplussed by Daniel Day-Lewis bragging about drinking a milkshake in “There Will Be Blood.”

Francis Ford Coppola (right) works with Marlon Brando during the making of “The Godfather,” based on Mario Puzo’s novel.Photo: Paramount Pictures / 1972


The very best films — and the ones that last — usually are guided by a strong personality. Movies are the ultimate collaborative art form, but perhaps because of that, it takes a single vision, or at least a single point of focus, to make a movie into one whole thing, to make it speak with one tone toward one purpose. This personality is usually that of the director.

You can know within minutes that you’re watching a film by Alfred Hitchcock, Michelangelo Antonioni, Orson Welles, Federico Fellini or Ken Russell. Or, for that matter, films by Quentin Tarantino, Richard Linklater, Terrence Malick, Steven Spielberg or Spike Lee.

Sometimes a screenwriter’s voice can be the organizing principal — the loquaciousness of Aaron Sorkin (“The Social Network”), or the forlorn eroticism of Erin Cressida Wilson (“The Girl on the Train”). Or it can be a great star. In any case, a movie that lasts usually has a dominant perspective that pulls it all together.

汉弗莱·博加特(Humphrey Bogart)和英格丽·伯格曼(Ingrid Bergman)在1943年的最佳图片奥斯卡奖得主“卡萨布兰卡”。Photo: Warner Bros. / 1943


Bad movies end on a discord. Average movies end on a single note. But great movies and classics tend to end on a chord. One tone may be dominant, but there are other tones present that seem to emanate in other directions. So we are happy, but there’s a hint of sadness. We feel a sense of resolution, and yet we feel that life is going on in its mysterious way.



达娜·安德鲁斯(Dana Andrews)(后面),弗雷德里克·马克(Fredric March)和哈罗德·罗素(Harold Russell)扮演退伍军人,在1946年的戏剧《我们的生活中最好的时光》中重新调整了家庭生活。照片:塞缪尔·戈德温公司(Samuel Goldwin Co.) / 1946年

Applying the six tendencies


“随风而逝”:1939年关于内战时代的电影并不是特别的话题,但它的情感是永恒的。它有几个很棒的场景,至少有一个很棒的表演。(我可能是少数派,但对我而言,这部电影的出色表演是奥利维亚·德·哈维兰(Olivia de Havilland)的梅兰妮(Melanie)。)主导的意识是戴维·塞尔兹尼克(David O. Selznick)的浪漫表现。它肯定以复杂的音符结束。得分:六分之五。

“卡萨布兰卡”:主题?Yes (World War II). Timeless? Yes. Great scene? Too many to count. Great performance? Humphrey Bogart. Dominating consciousness? Possibly. (The Bogart sensibility as refracted through Michael Curtiz). Complex finish? Absolutely. Score: at least five out of six.

“我们一生中最好的岁月”:主题?是的。永恒?是的。很棒的场景?弗雷德里克·马克(Fredric March)的归乡。很棒的演出?三月。主导意识?导演威廉·威勒(William Wyler)。 Complex finish? Yes. Score: six of six.

“教父”:主题?是的。(People don’t remember this, but around 1970, the Mafia was trying to go mainstream.) Timeless? Yes. (Father and sons). Great scene? Take your pick. Great performance? Al Pacino and Marlon Brando. Dominating consciousness? Francis Ford Coppola. Complex finish? Absolutely. The movie persuades you to root for a monster, then leaves you with a moral hangover. Score: six out of six.

“辛德勒的名单”:主题?并不真地。永恒?是的。很棒的场景?许多。很棒的演出?拉尔夫·费恩斯(Ralph Fiennes)和本·金斯利(Ben Kingsley)。主导意识?史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)在每一帧中。 Complex finish: Yes. Grieving yet exultant. Score: five out of six.


导演斯派克·李(Spike Lee)(左)和演员约翰·戴维·华盛顿(John David Washington)在“ Blackkklansman”中。照片:焦点功能 / 2018


“ Blackkklansman”:主题?是的。永恒?是的。很棒的场景?The coda. Great performance? Maybe, maybe not. Dominating consciousness? Spike Lee. Complex finish? Absolutely. Score: five out of six.

“绿书”:主题?是的。永恒?是的。很棒的场景?The rowdy nightclub scene. Great performance? Two of them. Dominating consciousness? Nothing overt. Complex finish? Yes. Score: at least five out of six.

So if past performance is any indication of future returns, “Green Book” and “BlacKkKlansman” have a decent chance of lasting.


  • 米克·拉萨尔(Mick LaSalle)
    米克·拉萨尔(Mick LaSalle)米克·拉萨尔(Mick LaSalle)is The San Francisco Chronicle's film critic. Email: mlasalle@sfchronicle.com Twitter: @MickLaSalle