Paul Sheinfeld,Novato
早上好,保罗:女演员:Aubrey Plaza(“黑色的熊”)或伊丽莎白苔藓(“看不见的人”)。演员:安东尼霍普金斯(“父亲”)或Chadwick Boseman(“Ma Rainey的黑底”)。支持女演员:Sarah Gadon(“黑熊”)或Bel Powley(“史丹岛国王”)。支持演员:标记Rylance(“芝加哥7的试验”)或Bill Murray(“在岩石上”)。原始剧本:Judd ApatoW,Pete Davidson和Dave Sirus(“史内岛国王”)。导演:劳伦斯迈克尔·莱昂(“黑熊”)或贾德阿普托(“史内岛国王”)。最佳图片:不确定。有很多“非常好”的电影可以选择,但没有关于2019年的水平“爱尔兰人”和“曾几何时在好莱坞。”
亲爱的克里斯:I see Mickey Rooney as one of those stars that somehow only make sense within their time, who don’t really translate out of it — like Ruby Keeler, George Arliss or even Sammy Davis Jr. They were talented, and they can be appealing, so long as you’re willing to dig down and get into their era’s mind-set. Yet their work just wasn’t for the long haul. I suspect that, because Rooney was essentially a comic actor, every time he did something dramatic, everybody would fall down and say he was amazing. But his dramatic acting was as self-pitying as his comic acting was relentless. And there’s another thing going against Rooney’s legacy that was emphatically not the case with Keeler, Arliss or Davis, who were by all accounts nice people. Rooney is reputed to have been pretty horrible, just misery to be around.
Ralph Mateo,Fairfield
亲爱的拉尔夫:大多数人使用关于试图操纵的工作的“操纵”一词,但失败了。一部试图让你感受到你不觉得没有真实操纵的东西,因为它实际上并没有操纵任何人。但是你在字面意义上使用这个词,就你的问题而言,它根本不会打扰我。如果我得到按摩,我想身体操纵,如果我去看电影,我想在情感上操纵。“Cinema Paradiso”是一部很棒的电影。没有Ennio Morricone的音乐就会不太伟大。“Schindler的名单”是一部很棒的电影。没有John Williams的音乐就会少了。所以,音乐是操纵的。所以编辑。 Closeups are definitely manipulative. They build your connection to a character by evoking the experience of looking in a mirror. Manipulation is bad only when it doesn’t work, because then it’s like watching a magician screw up a trick.
亲爱的拉萨尔先生:您如何将您的写作风格与John King的写作风格进行比较?你们中的一个是我最喜欢的纪事作家,另一个是我最不喜欢的。我不会透露哪个。我不能完全决定为什么你在光谱的相对目的。
Richard Kurylo,旧金山
亲爱的Kurylo先生:实际上,这是一件非常美丽的事情 - 我们都很好地超越了我们自己的强大的描述力量。你唯一的问题是我们中的一个已经得到了所以好的,现在你看不到它。只有你的狗可以听到我们击中的音符。只要继续倾听,密切关注。
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