湾区无线电图标Aaron Axelsen被Alt 105.3滴下作为冠状病毒相关裁员的一部分

Aaron Axelsen在被称为Live 105的无线电站工作了23年,然后在Alt 105.3中工作了23年。照片:Stephen Lam / Chronicle 2009

Aaron Axelsen., a longtime fixture on Bay Area airwaves as the music director and an on-air personality for Alt 105.3, was dropped from the station’s roster after 23 years on Thursday, April 2, as part of a wave of layoffs at the station amid the economic slump caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

“祝福和刺激它是分享我与你生活中的最终热情 - 音乐 - 超过二十年的”阿克伦,伊特尔米尔的李弗米尔说“陈述发布在社交媒体上。“这很简单只是一个梦想成真,在我的家乡站工作,我在伊利德米尔长大的是一名年轻的新腰带。”



在Alt 105.3之外,他举办了一周的俱乐部夜晚PopScene.。Started on1995年8月31日,舞会在过去的10年里,在海耶斯谷的人力车站举行,最近被关闭,作为冠心病关机的一部分,经过十多年,在现在已经过错了330张Ritch St. Club。

在那里,他介绍了像杀手一样的行为,Amy Winehouse,萨姆史密斯,1975年,在世界其他地区发现之前,博物馆到了海湾地区。Axelsen,曾担任少年Berkeley’s uber-hip Mod Lang Records,还掌舵每月英国人的夜晚,休闲,在旧金山的猫俱乐部。

Axelsen.developed and hosted off-peak specialty radio shows, including “Soundcheck,” which featured local and breaking bands, and “Subsonic,” which promoted new electronic music.

他还帮助解决了替代105.3签名现场音乐活动的阵容 - BFD,在山景中每年在山景中举行,多年来,假期不是那么沉默的夜晚表演。


Entercom首席执行官David Field将于4月2日星期四向员工宣布裁员,如第一次第一次报道insideradio.com

“I am deeply saddened that we need to make these painful moves at this time, but they are necessary under the circumstances,” Field said in the email. “We are doing everything in our power to minimize the number of layoffs through shared sacrifice across the organization, but we will still need to eliminate or furlough a significant number of positions.”

In addition to layoffs, the company plans to cut salaries by 10% to 20%. Field is reportedly taking a 30% salary reduction.




  • Aidin Vaziri
    Aidin VaziriAidin Vaziri是旧金山纪事的流行音乐评论家。电子邮件:avaziri@sfhonelice.com推特:@musicsf