戴夫·史密斯(S.F.)合成器设计先驱和“ Midi的父亲”,死于72

戴夫·史密斯(Dave Smith)帮助迎来了合成器流行时代的声音。照片:顺序

Dave Smith,,,,the San Francisco native and engineering wizard who pioneered music synthesizer design and became known as “the father of MIDI,” died Wednesday, June 1. He was 72.

The Prophet-5, the original instrument he created, along with many others his company designed, were game-changers for the music industry, helping usher in the sound of the synth-pop era and beyond.

Members of several bands whose sounds he helped shape, including治愈,,,,杜兰·杜兰(Duran Duran)和热芯片,向他致敬。

“当我制作第一张Duran Duran专辑时,Prophet-5是我的主要乐器之一,”键盘播放器Nick Rhodes在一份声明中说。“从那时起,我几乎继续使用它的几乎所有记录。没有戴夫的视野和独创性,1980年代的声音将会大不相同,他确实改变了一代人的声景。”

史密斯的公司顺序在其网站上的简短帖子中证实了他的死亡。“正是在沉重的心中,我们分享了戴夫·史密斯(Dave Smith)去世的消息。我们伤心欲绝,但要为自己在家人,朋友和艺术家的陪伴下做他最爱的事情而感到宽慰。”

The Grammy-winning instrument designer founded Sequential Circuits in 1974, shortly after earning degrees in both computer science and electronic engineering from UC Berkeley. Three years later, Smith designed the Prophet-5,the first polyphonic, fully programmable synthesizer以及第一个带有嵌入式微处理器的乐器。

该乐器的早期采用者包括大卫·鲍伊(David Bowie),平克·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd)和前摇滚音乐家里克·韦克曼(Rick Wakeman)。

After other companies embraced the technology Smith pioneered, he sold Sequential Circuits to Yamaha and started brainstorming his next innovation.

他告诉他说:“一旦将微处理器放入键盘仪器中,您就会意识到他们很容易与其中有微处理器的另一个乐器进行交流。”Fast Companyin 2013. “Then, within a few years of the Prophet-5 coming out, all the other companies also had programmable polyphonic synthesizers with microprocessors.


1981年,史密斯帮助开发了基本的乐器数字界面,称为Midi咨询罗兰创始人Ikutaro Kakehashi. The specification offered a universal language for electronic instruments to talk to each other and earned its creators a technical Grammy.


大卫·史密斯(David Smith)于1950年4月1日出生于旧金山,在整个职业生涯中一直扎根于海湾地区。史密斯(Smith)最初在连续赛中跑步后,在雅马哈和科格(Yamaha and Korg)的研发工作中工作,在那里他帮助创建了WaveStation和其他开拓技术。


到千年之交,史密斯返回了硬件设计,并于2002年启动了戴夫·史密斯(Dave Smith)的乐器,并使用Evolver Hybrid Analog/Digital Mannthesizer创办了他的同名公司。

“My goal in all my instruments is that they have a unique personality, great sound, and be fun to play,” Smith said in an interview withKeyboard在2021年。“这就是所有音乐的思考,因此乐器应该反映这一点。”


Devastated to hear about the passing ofDave Smith,传奇的工程师,”英国乐队Hot Chip的Felix Martin说。“没有他设计的事情,我的音乐职业将一无所有。认识他是一种荣幸。一个真正的天才和一个可爱的人,将被极大地怀念。”

  • 艾丁·瓦齐里(Aidin Vaziri)
    艾丁·瓦齐里(Aidin Vaziri)艾丁·瓦齐里(Aidin Vaziri)是旧金山纪事报的流行音乐评论家。电子邮件:avaziri@sfchronicle.com Twitter:@musicsf