摇滚名人堂正在填补这一空白。多年来一直被年度荣誉名单拒之门外的几位演员最终将成为2019届的一员。Radiohead, Janet Jackson, the Cure, Roxy Music, the Zombies和已经加入Fleetwood Mac乐队的Stevie Nicks也将加入…继续阅读珍妮·杰克逊,史蒂薇·尼克斯和电台司令将加入摇滚名人堂
Janet Jackson, Stevie Nicks and Radiohead加入Rock &名人堂< / > < /引用> < script type = ' text / javascript '> < !——/ * !这个文件是自动生成的*/ !function(c,d){"use strict";var e=!1,n=!1;if(d. queryselector)if(c.wp =c.wp||{},!c.wp. receiveembedmessage)if(c.wp =c.wp||{},!c.wp. receiveembedmessage)if(c.wp. receiveembedmessage =function(e){var t=e;if(t)if(t.secret||t.message||t.value)if(!/[^a- sa - z0 -9]/.test(t.secret)){for(varr,一,我,s = d.querySelectorAll(的iframe(数据秘密= " + t.secret +”]”),n = d.querySelectorAll(“blockquote[数据秘密=“+ t.secret +”)”),o = 0; o < n.length; o + +) n [o] .style.display =“没有”;(o = 0; o < s.length; o + +)如果(r = s [o], e.source = = = r.contentWindow){如果(r.removeAttribute(“风格”),“高度”= = = t.message){如果(1 e3 < (i =方法(t.value 10))) i = 1 e3;如果(~ ~我< 200)i = 200; r.height =我}如果(“链接”= = = t.message)如果(a = d.createElement(“a”),i = d.createElement(“a”),a.href = r.getAttribute (" src "), i.href = t.value i.host = = = a.host)如果(d.activeElement = = = r) c.top.location.href = t.value}}}, e) c.addEventListener(“信息”,c.wp.receiveEmbedMessage ! 1), d.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”内,t ! 1), c.addEventListener(“负载”t ! 1); f津津有味t(){如果(n) {n = ! 0; (var e t r = 1 ! = = navigator.appVersion。indexOf(“MSIE10”),a = ! ! navigator.userAgent.match(/三叉戟。*房车:11 \。/),i = d.querySelectorAll(“iframe.wp-embedded-content”),s = 0; s < i.length; s + +){如果(! (e =我[s]) .getAttribute(“公开数据”))t = math . random () .toString (36) .substr (10), e.src + = " # ?秘密= " + t, e.setAttribute(“公开数据”,t);如果(r | |) (t = e.cloneNode (0)) .removeAttribute(“安全”),e.parentNode.replaceChild (t, e)}}}}(窗口、文档);/ / - - > < ![]>