桑尼史密斯和他的音乐伙伴保持湾rea indie music alive with new record label

Sonny Smith will release records by his band, Sonny & the Sunsets, and from other artists on his new label, Rocks in Your Head Records in San Francisco.Photo: Paul Chinn / The Chronicle


“有些艺术家们遍布疯狂的东西,他们只要有人知道,无论发生在发生什么,”湾区原生和艺术家歌手/歌曲作者/剧作家/作者/艺术家桑尼史密斯说Sonny & the Sunsets

For more than a decade, Smith has been putting out albums and hanging up art shows in and around San Francisco, collaborating with other creators, building a sort of unconscious collective of creativity. With the Monday, April 1, launch of his San Francisco-centric record label,岩石在你的头上那an idea that once seemed meandering has turned decidedly cogent.


岩石在你的头上's first release, Sonny & the Sunsets’ “Hairdressers From Heaven,” drops April 1. The album, produced by James Mercer and Yuki Matthews of the Shins, features the band’s distinctive hand-clap beach pop and kicks off a slate of releases — all from Bay Area artists.

The Bay Area has long been home to independent experimental, punk and pop music labels big and small, fromlongtimers亭子最近的进入者喜欢Death Records。The impetus is frequently putting out music that speaks to the founders personally.


音乐家桑尼史密斯,他的乐队Sonny&Sunsets的唱片,将在他的标签上的其他乐队释放工作,摇滚记录中的岩石。Photo: Paul Chinn / The Chronicle

The ease with which Sonny has filled up his roster is a testament to the Bay Area’s musical inclusiveness, the interconnected way bands flow in and out of each other’s recordings, shows and labels: Sonny & the Sunsets albums have featured the California road-tripping fuzz ofKelley Stoltz.那who puts out stuff withCastle Face Records它由舞台潜水的约翰Dwyer成立吓坏了Thee Oh Sees那who share bills with香农和蛤蜊'sha la latinsel parties, which play festivals with feedback heroTY SEGALL.那who tours withpsychedelic prog rockTim Presley的白色围栏,谁与“冰鞋岩石原料”分享标签热辣的午餐

因此,尽管技术繁荣,但是谈论乐队,如Goodbycoine和Live Nation在洛杉矶和企业庞然大物上谈论最佳,以便将Live音乐阵容变为如此多的悬浮坑,湾区音乐家站立强大。

“如果有的话,我觉得”公司收购“'正在使社区更强大,“音乐制作人和工程师蒂姆绿胜过工作室那who合作a veritable who’s who of Bay Area musicians。“我们在2000年左右经历了一系列粗糙的补丁,当时很多场地关闭,很多人搬走了,但这个社区中的每个人都始终支持彼此的音乐和风格。别无选择,只能保持强大的DIY社区。“

香农和蛤是旧金山乐队。照片:Alyssa Gafkjen


对于热午餐的Frontman Eric Shea,独立音乐节的崛起,从Bill Graham从Billaham中提取的崛起是一个不可或缺的一块,这是一个保持现场活着的东西。

“The newer festivals are genre-agnostic, getting people in different tribes together and giving artists more opportunities to play and find audiences,” Shea says. “A lot of younger bands are playing small stages one year and then bigger the next year. It’s really inspiring to see that kind of organic growth.”

这就是为什么,在提供一夜听音乐节的机会时奶昔7月28日,史密斯不能说不。仍然包括Sonny和Sunsets的套件,仍然包括:四月杂志纳大andTony Jay

“It’s kind of crazy to have a festival before I even have enough bands on my label to fill the time slots,” Smith says, laughing, “but I’m getting as many of the bands as possible that I’ve been producing to play, and friends whose bands I like, and I’ll ride the whale all the way to shore.”

史密斯想在头脑中看到岩石生长into an enterprise known not only for generating hit records, but also for nurturing singers, writers, producers and executives.

“The dream is to have a label that releases records, has artists, and fosters a family tree of people making stuff that creates a kind of identity,” says Smith. “We’re going to put out vinyl because that’s the most tangible piece of art you can make. I want to produce the bands, maybe not forever, but at least for now. And for the record nerds out there, each release is going to come with a zine created by different artists.”


史密斯仍在接受头部岩石的捐款Indiegogo.campaign. To hear him explain it, Rocks in Your Head just might be the label to save San Francisco’s musical soul.

  • Deborah Stoll
    Deborah StollDeborah Stoll是一名自由作家。