Nataki Garrett领导俄勒冈州莎士比亚节

Nataki Garrett正在俄勒冈州莎士比亚音乐节上掌舵。照片:Bill Geenen

Nataki Garrett将成功Bill Rauch As俄勒冈莎士比亚节艺术总监,亚洲山脉,矿石。,公司,3月19日星期二宣布。


该宣布在众所周知的剧院和全国各地的领导地位的世代过渡。艺术领导者变得越来越少,男性较少。Garrett, an African American woman, will be at one of the country’s most influential theaters — one with a $44 million annual budget, a seven-month season of 11 shows performed in rotating repertory across three venues, and approximately 425 employees plus about 125 other artists and contractors. In recent years, the company has become just as known for commissioning, developing and premiering new plays as for producing the oeuvre of its namesake. Among the shows it’s helped bring to life are“脚跟,”Paula Vogel的“不雅,”宇宙““党的人,”Lynn Nottage“汗”和Lisa Loomer的“鱼子。”

加勒特正式接管8月1日,作为举办职位12年的Rauch,离开罗纳德O. Perelman Cents表演艺术中心,该中心在纽约世界贸易中心开放了2021年。

  • 莉莉贾基亚克
    莉莉贾基亚克Lily Janiak是旧金山纪事的剧院批评。电子邮件:ljaniak@sfhonleic.com推特:@lilyjaniak