
曼福德(蒂姆·刘)参加大型比赛,康妮(鲁波·齐安(Ruibo Qian))和温·昌(BD Wong)在“大型飞跃”中展望。Photo: Kevin Berne / American Conservatory Theater


Watch as Galileo High senior Manford (Tim Liu) insists on an audience with University of San Francisco basketball coach Saul (Arye Gross) in the opening scene of American Conservatory Theater’s production. Manford will brook no rejection. He will heed no dismissal. In his pretension to join the college team, out of nowhere, for an exhibition game in Beijing, he takes each of Saul’s rebuffs as an invitation deferred. If Saul is talking in one instant, it means he’ll have to stop talking eventually, and that’s Manford’s opening: to exhibit morephysical prowess,表现出无情的耐力,陶醉于辩论的策略 - 从侮辱几年到幼儿园级的嘲讽,从幻想的夸张到务实的最后一个ditch赌。

曼福德(蒂姆·刘)在“大型飞跃”中的教练索尔(Arye Gross)和康妮(Ruibo Qian)的帮助下对Wen Chang(BD Wong)进行了枪击。Photo: Kevin Berne / American Conservatory Theater

Or watch as劳伦·耶(Lauren Yee)3月13日星期三在Geary Theatre开业的Play,从1989年到1971年,索尔(Saul)首次被邀请到中国,以激进的,个人主义的美国比赛风格指导中国球员。当他和翻译人员温·张(Wen Chang)(托尼·沃纳(Tony Winner BD Wong))努力寻找一个共同的成语时,剧本的推力和帕里斯(Parries)在两个人及其语言和文化的怪癖中欢喜。“你f - 他们的s-向上。”劝说扫罗,在垃圾谈话的美术中开设了速成课程。“你在他们的粪便上交配吗?”返回Haphast Wen Chang。

但是,如果开玩笑闪闪发光,它精心制作的设置摇摇欲坠。Yee的节目基于她父亲的真实经历,她的父亲是唐人街篮球运动员,但她抓住了Tiananmen Square抗议活动的灵感,这是对这部戏的更广泛政治影响的影响力。“The Great Leap” wanders into demonstrating students’ concerns only as an afterthought, as if to say, “Oh, hey, I guess we’d better talk about this now,” when heretofore it was content to ground itself in the conflict between Manford’s athletic ambition and sundry formidable obstacles — his age, his race, his lack of height, his lack of social status as the working-class son of an immigrant parent who spoke no English.

Wen Chang(BD Wong)翻译了Saul(Arye Gross)美国风格的方法,用于在“大型飞跃”中指导篮球。Photo: Kevin Berne / American Conservatory Theater

Yee还依靠这么多的非凡巧合,您花在暂停怀疑,说服自己购买她的房屋的时间里,吃掉您可能会花在品尝她的莱勒里的时代。碰巧的是,曼福德的家人朋友Qua-Cousin Connie(Ruibo Qian)去了北京,可以使他对USF团队的内部知识给他,这使他对Saul很有价值。碰巧的是,曼福德的死去的母亲,他唯一的家人,从未教过她唯一知道的语言,这意味着他们从来没有谈论他们俩都痴迷的这项运动。

In related news, Saul is a foul-mouthed tough guy, not averse to addressing his team as “masturbating horsef—ers,” except when Manford insults his family life and career prospects, which somehow turns Saul into a mushball amenable to each of Manford’s arguments. And by the way, Wen Chang has a big secret he’s never confronted, yet conveniently seems ready to sacrifice everything for the secret the moment the play asks him to.

Director Lisa Peterson finds lyricism in athletics and athleticism in words, and projections by Hana S. Kim keep the show in constant motion, as if actors and set pieces are on invisible conveyor belts, whisking them on- and offstage with cinematic magic. Wong as Wen Chang shines as a scene partner to Gross’ Saul because he always carves out a role for a third scene partner in his audience. His timing always contains a beat for you, and he invites you in so that you know just how to respond. It’s acting as graciousness, acting that sets others up that they might excel, acting that carries itself, the rest of the scene and the audience all at once, in one capacious, confident feat of hosting.

It’s acting that’s almost enough, but not quite, to make you take leap after leap of faith with him.

l“大飞跃”:由劳伦·耶(Lauren Yee)撰写。由丽莎·彼得森(Lisa Peterson)执导。直到3月31日。两个小时。$ 15- $ 110,可能会更改。ACT的Geary Theatre,S.F。Geary St. 415415-749-2228。www.act-sf.org

  • 莉莉·贾尼亚克(Lily Janiak)
    莉莉·贾尼亚克(Lily Janiak)莉莉·贾尼亚克(Lily Janiak)是旧金山纪事的剧院评论家。电子邮件:ljaniak@sfchronicle.com Twitter:@lilyjaniak