评论:“ FEFU和她的朋友”预示着令人兴奋的新篇章

Lisa Anne Porter as Julia (left), Sarita Ocón as Christina, Jennifer Ikeda as Cindy, Cindy Goldfield as Emma, Catherine Castellanos as Fefu and Marga Gomez as Cecilia in American Conservatory Theater’s “Fefu and Her Friends.”Photo: Kevin Berne / American Conservatory Theater

与“ Fefu和她的朋友”一起American Conservatory Theater在艺术总监的领导下Pam MacKinnonhas arrived.


观众迁移到主要大厅后,等待在旧金山ACT的Strand Theatre的“ FEFU和她的朋友”开幕之夜开始的行为。照片:Scott Strazzante / The The Chronicle

“Fefu,” which opened Wednesday, April 6, under MacKinnon’s direction, is unbound by the Strand Theater’s proscenium. Sure,Maria Irene Fornés’experimental 1977 play starts that way, with audiences seated traditionally before a fastidiously appointed 1930s parlor blanketed in funereal shades of blue and purple. (Tanya Orellana did the magnificent set design, of which this scene is just the first of many delights.)

但是随后我们分为四组,目睹了四个短片,这些场景同时在建筑物的不同角落中分别发生。我们在后台掠过,在距离远处看到的客厅后面,在腹部楼梯间上下行进,我们可能永远不会见过。We’re in the home of Fefu (Catherine Castellanos), and on the way to different nooks, we pass more bits of set design — tasseled lampshades, folding shoji screens, a clothbound journal, a toiletry set, doilies — that might make you involuntarily hush, as if you’re a child creeping downstairs to spy on an adult party you’re not supposed to see.

Audience members change locations during opening night of “Fefu and Her Friends” at ACT’s Strand Theater in San Francisco.照片:Scott Strazzante / The The Chronicle

And what a party it is, full of affection and ideas and candor but flickering with danger, thanks in large part to its hostess.

FEFU与她的朋友们一起练习慈善机构的筹款演讲,是克里斯蒂娜(SaritaOcón)等规范的人,可能只是挑衅。披上了一系列波西米亚版画(Sarita Fellows进行了狂暴的时尚,定义的服装设计),并且喜欢挥舞着一支步枪,她肯定只有空白,Fefu肯定看起来很贴心。

Yet in Castellanos’ interpretation, when Fefu opens the show with the glorious line “My husband married me to have a constant reminder of how loathsome women are” or proffers any number of her koans, she’s not trying to unsettle her guests out of meanness or to cast herself as somehow superior. She’s trying to figure things out in real time. She’s on a quest to be genuine with herself, a quest that draws others in and makes them be genuine, too. She’s wrestling with grief, partly over a recent incident that left Julia (Lisa Anne Porter) in a wheelchair and affected her brain, and the grief is winning.

Catherine Castellanos as Fefu (left) and Sarita Ocón as Christina in American Conservatory Theater’s “Fefu and Her Friends.”Photo: Kevin Berne / American Conservatory Theater


她的两侧是一些最出色的湾区表演者的女演员。经常扮演伙伴或富豪角色的Leontyne Mbele-Mbong作为该组织的财务主管变得狡猾而神秘,将恶作剧注入了诉讼程序中。波特的朱莉娅(Julia)在一个独奏,卧床不起的场景中以某种方式桥梁,seance,confession和“对抗”使幽灵感觉像脖子后部的冷气一样真实,观众距离她只有几英寸的距离。Marga Gomez’s塞西莉亚茎Stacy Ross’Paula like a shark that’s sniffed blood and can’t get the scent out of its nose.

Stacy Ross as Paula (left) and Marga Gomez as Cecilia in American Conservatory Theater’s “Fefu and Her Friends.”Photo: Kevin Berne / American Conservatory Theater

有些时刻不会达到自己的印记,因为从薄壁上分散了同时场景的声音,当观众重新集中在主要游戏空间中时,该节目在第三部分中失去了一些能量和重点。尽管如此,“ FEFU和她的朋友”仍然是一个吉祥的成就。它创造了一种神奇的感觉,即剧院正在周围发生。它轻轻地朝着您的无所畏惧,关于欲望,男人,友谊和社会阶层的诗意思想,这大声说话时会激动。

After two years of artistic scarcity, “Fefu and Her Friends” offers abundance, daring and vision.

n“Fefu and Her Friends”:由玛丽亚·艾琳·福纳斯(MaríaIreneFornés)撰写。由Pam Mackinnon执导。到5月1日。两个小时30分钟。$ 25- $ 110,可能会更改。ACT的Strand Theatre,S.F。1127 Market St.415-849-2228。www.act-sf.org

  • 莉莉·贾尼亚克(Lily Janiak)
    莉莉·贾尼亚克(Lily Janiak)莉莉·贾尼亚克(Lily Janiak)is The San Francisco Chronicle’s theater critic. Email: ljaniak@sfchronicle.com Twitter: @LilyJaniak