评论:“ Hadestown”将使您再次爱上音乐剧院


直到7月3日,位于百老汇夫妇的Orpheum剧院的“ Hadestown”公司。Photo: T Charles Erickson / BroadwaySF

Tragic myth inspires a special kind of dread. You know in your core what’s going to happen, and that knowledge knots and sinks, making the story somehow more suspenseful, not less. Because the hero speaks to some essential part of you, you can’t help but wonder, “What if?” and look for an escape. Maybe this time, you think, the hero will sing his song in such a special way the gods and fates can’t help but sympathize, cut him some slack.

“Hadestown,” the astounding touring musical whose local run opened Wednesday, June 8, at BroadwaySF’s Orpheum Theatre, raises the bar still higher for its hero’s song.

Kevyn Morrow (top left), Kimberly Marable, Morgan Siobhan Green (bottom left), Levi Kreis and Nicholas Barasch in “Hadestown.”Photo: T Charles Erickson / BroadwaySF

由爱马仕(Levi Kreis)中的一位Wry叙述者(Nicholas Barasch)负责,试图写一个如此美丽的旋律,以至于可以使春天以Persephone(Kimberly Marable)的形式重返绿色)爱上了他。

当寒冷而饥饿的Eurydice讨价还价时,她的自由就可以参与资源吸引的工业巨头Hades(Kevyn Morrow)的财富和舒适的自由,Orpheus的歌曲必须在他漫长而令人痛苦的通往地狱的漫长的道路上打破墙壁,才能找回她。它一定是如此强大和运输,以融化Hades的冷冻心脏,使他想起了年轻并爱上他的妻子Persephone的是什么,以便他授予Eurydice许可离开。


“哈德斯敦”的公司,一个悲惨的神话,由迷人的艺术性制定。Photo: T Charles Erickson / BroadwaySF

如果这些听起来像是为了完成歌曲的不可能的任务,那么托尼奖获奖的“哈德斯敦”,有一本书,音乐和歌词Anaïs Mitchell,pulls them off.

Orpheus的旋律与旋转旋转木马一样奇妙而催眠,而Barasch的高音男高音则不应该制作。三人的命运(BelénMoyano,Bex Odorisio和Shea Renne),在他们的连衣裙和羽毛状的头巾中交替,可怕的警告和破碎的同情心,以旋转风的方式和谐。莫罗(Morrow)的险恶鲈鱼似乎在地球上打开了裂缝,让黑社会的岩浆跳出来。


AnaïsMitchell遇到了强迫性工业主义,在黑社会中找到了“ Hadestown”的宝藏

尼古拉斯·巴拉斯(Nicholas Barasch)是“哈德斯敦(Hadestown)”的奥菲斯(Orpheus)。Photo: T Charles Erickson / BroadwaySF

导演雷切尔·查夫金(Rachel Chavkin)将奥菲姆(Orpheum)的舞台带入了众神的门槛。在她的手中,当奥菲斯(Orpheus)通过跳到桌子上并向前耕种时,武器高高地介绍了他的歌,您不禁会以为他可能会以某种方式飞行。当他和Hades的歌曲交织在一起时,他的旋律将合唱团的Angular工厂工作变成了一个缓慢而梦幻般的芭蕾舞(David Neumann做了编舞)。


Kevyn Morrow(左),Nicholas Barasch和Kimberly Marable在“ Hadestown”中。Photo: T Charles Erickson / BroadwaySF

If Orpheus’ fate is to learn what doubt is and let it eat him alive, Hades, increasingly skeptical that Persephone will come back to him with the changing seasons each year, gets to find in Orpheus’ song an antidote to the doubt that has poisoned his mind.

我们的故事和艺术经常表明,青年的第一个腮红是唯一坠入爱河的一种。One of the many gifts of “Hadestown” is to say that an older, alienated, jaded married couple can fall in love with each other again, and that such a narrative can be just as romantic and breathless as a young lovers’ tale, even as it’s counterbalanced by young love’s loss.

n“哈德斯敦”:Book, music and lyrics by Anaïs Mitchell. Directed by Rachel Chavkin. Through July 3. Two hours, 40 minutes. $56-$256. Orpheum Theatre, 1192 Market St., S.F. 888-746-1799.www.broadwaysf.com

  • 莉莉·贾尼亚克(Lily Janiak)
    莉莉·贾尼亚克(Lily Janiak)莉莉Janiak theat《旧金山纪事报》er critic. Email: ljaniak@sfchronicle.com Twitter: @LilyJaniak