Review: Muddle of history becomes muddle of musical in SHN’s ‘Anastasia’

Lila Coogan stars as Anya (right) and Stephen Brower as Dmitry in the national tour of “Anastasia,” which is at SHN’s Golden Gate Theatre.照片:Evan Zimmerman,Murphymade / Shn


在这里,你可能会觉得你应该知道characters and plot innately, through osmosis, yet not know them at all. They’re shadows of signposts. Shine a light on them, look at them from a different angle, and they vanish behind the cutouts of what they were supposed to be. Performers, in turn, merely shadowbox.

与此维度的其他乘员一样,“阿斯塔斯亚斯”,9月4日星期三开幕,在Shn的金门剧院,尝试所有方式,因此没有。在塑造关于Tsar Nicholas II的据说失去的女儿的替代历史,在不言而喻的展示中,展示摊位坚持认为,上面的是悬挂和致命的毫无意义。

Lila Coogan作为Anya(左)和斯蒂芬咆哮在“阿斯塔西亚”中的德米特里。照片:Evan Zimmerman,Murphymade / Shn

A character might tell you she’s going to light a lamp, then do so, prompting another character to sing a song in which lamp lighting purports to be a metaphor for the twilight of hopes and of life, but then its lyrics muddy even that cliche: “The lamps begin to glow / In my heart, I know / You’re a lie that I’ve waited for.”

In another song in the second act, Dmitry (Stephen Brower), the male lead, might profess, “I didn’t know she mattered to me,” which could have been an interesting sentiment if it weren’t so baldly expressed, if the musical hadn’t been trying to sustain that dynamic, sans change, for its duration and if the attraction between him and Anya (Lila Coogan) — the name by which Anastasia goes before she knows she’s Anastasia — ever got beyond the storyboard phase.

Lila Coogan担任Anya(中心),斯蒂芬咆哮为DMITRY(跪)和国家航行的“Anastasia”。照片:Evan Zimmerman,Murphymade / Shn



Lila Coogan作为Anya在国家旅游的“阿纳斯塔西亚”。照片:Evan Zimmerman,Murphymade / Shn

角色意图遵循海森伯格的不确定性原则;您无法同时确定其位置和运动。为什么Anya都花在整个音乐般的据说是找到她的家庭和身份,只能决定(剧透警报)她可以在没有这个奖品的情况下做的事情?这是否意味着其余的表演并不重要?为什么Bolshevik Villain,GLEB(Jason Michael Evans),追求这次Tsarist政权的最后一次分支一直到巴黎(扰流者警报)当他有机会杀死她时,就会抽掉?埃文斯花了很多音乐怒视或看着地板,几乎就好像他无法勉强清晰地抬起头来。

生产有几个明亮的斑点。Tari Kelly在Cenceess Lily的次要作用中,使狂欢节出欲望祖先的狂欢(Edward Staudenmayer)。她弯腰和啪啪声。吻前臂融化在水坑里。触摸使一条腿抽搐然后另一个悬挂局面,就像一个娱乐公园的摆骑。在一点,这一切都太多了,她必须退缩:现在是时候粉丝在她的腿之间。

Lila Coogan(Anya)和公司的“Anastasia”的国家之旅。照片:Evan Zimmerman,Murphymade / Shn

Director Darko Tresnjak conjures a gorgeous dream sequence for the lovely waltz “Once Upon a December” that encapsulates exactly the way visions swoop down on us, enveloping all, and then evaporate as if they’d never been there at all. But if projections, designed by Aaron Rhyne, are vivid in hue and rich in detail, seeming to expand the size of the theater, the show overuses them. Pixels so dominate the stage that you can feel like you’re watching TV or virtual reality.

完整的像素 - 即,动画电影 - 在这种情况下可能是您的最佳选择。

K.“Anastasia”:通过泰伦上的书籍。斯蒂芬弗拉蒂的音乐。Lynn Ahrens的歌词。由Darko Tresnjak指导。到9月29日。两小时,35分钟。56-256美元,可能会有所变化。金门剧院,1泰勒圣,S.F.888-746-1799。

  • 莉莉贾基亚克
    莉莉贾基亚克Lily Janiak是旧金山纪事的剧院评论家。电子邮件:ljaniak@sfhonelice.com推特:@lilyjaniak