现在,在美国国会大厦的骚乱之后一年多,我们可以更充分地欣赏,只是持有人的2019年2019年的戏。In San Francisco Playhouse’s production, which opened Wednesday, Feb. 2, it’s 2017, just days after the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., but Teresa (Ash Malloy) already seems ready to jump on a bus to the Jan. 6 insurrection.
The strength of the show, which is directed by Bill English, is how it breaks up the monolithic way the religious right is often portrayed. As Teresa and her old friends from Wyoming’s uber-Catholic Transfiguration College gather for an informal reunion, their shared faith and politics turn out to be not quite so shared.
凯文(Josh Schell)仍然被遗失为大学新生,真诚地与圣母玛利亚的vaunted地方摔跤或为什么宗教奇迹不足以让他幸福,为它鞭打自己,然后在鞭子中享受乐趣。
Justin (Johnny Moreno) seems to understand his job is to play the strong, silent type. But then why does he shake at the prospect of gutting a deer he’s hunted or turn away from all the women who keep casting moony eyes his way?
Then there’s Emily (Wera von Wulfen), who insists that what Teresa calls her “abortionist” friends can still be good people, but whose own debilitating illness (it’s never named, but Lyme disease is strongly implied) tests her faith and her sense of self as a woman.
没有人认识你,挑战你,让你恼怒,爱你,就像你的老朋友一样,你在很长一段时间里看不到的那些,他们并不总是回应你绝望的Facebook消息。这个合奏擅长那些深深的挖掘,精心蚀刻的路径,这些人物一再跳舞 - 彼此熟悉,疲惫,喜爱和讨厌,同时在阿比利的丰富的环境中。
von wulfen的艾米丽是一个光明和愤怒和渴望的球,一种压缩的感觉变成了如此小而且如此紧张,这是它抛弃她,洗了她,纯化了她。
席尔,剧院的一个伟大的听众,提高every interaction to the dangers of the present moment, the way any beat could go an infinity of ways. As Kevin’s drunken, deviant caprices lead him in a million different directions — infatuation, self-pity, tantrum, wonder — Schell does that magical, whole-body actor thing that, without being showy, enlists air and space into its cause.
吉娜(Susi Damilano),Emily的妈妈和变形的新总统延迟到来,Zaps与能源的发挥和承诺的人物'基岩假设 - 关于他们是谁以及他们在世界谁 - 可能得到测试甚至破碎。如果每个人都在做保守主义或宗教信仰怎么办?他们仍然相爱吗?他们仍然是一个团结的运动吗?
What is clear by the end of “Heroes” is that Teresa is right about war. There’s one brewing in each of these characters, and, however misguided, its roots are only too human.
M.“第四轮的英雄”:撰写的意志。由Bill English指导。到3月5日。两小时,30分钟。$ 25- $ 100。旧金山剧场,450篇邮政圣,S.F。415-677-9596。www.sfplayhouse.org